Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln

I am a Psychology major with minors in Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication (WRTC) and Humanitarian Affairs and James Madison University. Someday, I hope to work in student affairs at a college or university and earn a doctorate in leadership. I am skilled in communication, public speaking, and organization. I value service, compassion, integrity, and authenticity.

I currently work as a Resident Adviser (RA) for my university’s Office of Residence Life. Previously, I have worked in interlibrary loans and in the foodservice industry. I am a member of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Word is Born Writer’s Society and UNICEF Club at my school. In my spare time, I write stories and poetry and read (I am currently reading The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness by Simon Wiesenthal). Some fun facts about me are that I love corn on pizza, I have two cats (Bucky and Ella), and that I am a huge Bruce Springsteen fan.

Lydia Manson








Mitglied seit 11/07/19
