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Asus G750JW-BB17N05 Troubleshooting

This troubleshooting page will help you diagnose problems with the Asus Gw750JW-BB17N05.

Laptop is Overheating

Your laptop randomly gets very hot, shuts off without warning, or does both.

Dust in Vents or Fans

Excessive dust, carpet fibers, and other small materials build up in vents and fans over time, which can cause laptops to overheat. To clear your vents or fans, use a compressed air duster to carefully blow away build-up.

Faulty Fan

One or more fans may be broken or damaged. Without a working fan to cool it, your laptop will overheat very quickly. Signs of a faulty fan can include strange noises, such as clicking or grinding, or the fan not turning on at all. If you determine that a fan is broken or damaged, replace it using [Ungültiger Anleitungslink].

Inadequate Thermal Paste

Thermal paste can dry up over time, causing it to lose its conductive properties. When the thermal paste between the heat sink and processor is inadequate, it can cause gaps of air between these two components, resulting in a loss of the heat sink's performance and an overheating laptop. To fix this issue, clean any old thermal paste completely from the heat sink and the processor, then apply a new bead of thermal paste directly in the center of the clean processor.

Faulty Battery

Excessive heat from your laptop may originate from the battery. As a battery reaches the end of its life cycle or begins failing due to other causes, you may notice that it gets hot quickly. To replace an overheating battery, follow the Asus G750JW-BBI7N05 Battery Replacement.

Unusual Appearing Display

Your laptop monitor's display is abnormal, showing a solid black screen, a solid white screen, or lines across the screen.

Cracked Screen

A crack in your laptop's screen can cause display issues. These issues might disable your display completely or only show a small portion of the display up to the damaged area. Check your screen for any cracks, which can be jagged lines or look like a spider's web. This kind of damage requires you to replace your screen. Follow Asus G750JW-BBI7N05 Display Replacement to do so.

Detached or Damaged Screen Data Cable

A completely black or white screen may be caused by a detached or damaged screen data cable. You may also see single or multiple thin lines or color bars that change color or disappear when the lid is moved. Repairing this problem can be as simple as removing and reattaching the cable to both the motherboard and the screen ends, or just replacing the damaged cable. If the problem persists, however, it may indicate screen damage. To replace your screen, follow Asus G750JW-BBI7N05 Display Replacement.

Blue Screen of Death

Your laptop displays a STOP error, known as a Blue Screen of Death, and either automatically reboots or necessitates a force-reboot.

Incorrectly Installed or Defective Drivers

A driver that is defective or that has been installed incorrectly can cause a Blue Screen of Death. To fix this, download and install the latest drivers from Asus for your laptop's hardware components.

Bad RAM Module

Faulty RAM modules can lead to strange behavior in your laptop, up to and including Blue Screens of Death. Learn how to replace bad RAM by following Asus G750JW-BBI7N05 RAM Replacement.

Freezing When Opening Folders and Documents

Your laptop lags significantly or freezes up when you try to open folders or documents.

Malware or Virus Infection

Malware and viruses running in the background of your laptop can block resources and cause system slowdowns. Open the Task Manager and check the Processes tab for any unfamiliar applications, making note of their resource usages. If you believe your laptop has been infected, schedule a system scan with your antivirus and anti-malware software.

Crowded Hard Drive

The more files and programs you have installed, the longer it takes your laptop to locate requested data. If you have a crowded hard drive, consider deleting unneeded files, uninstalling unnecessary programs, or purchasing an additional external hard drive. Additionally, you may run de-cluttering software to remove "clutter," such as temporary files and files in the Recycle Bin.

Failing Hard Drive

A failing hard drive can cause long wait times or freezes when accessing folders or files. Other indications of a failing hard drive might include corrupted data, disappearing folders or files, and frequent error messages. To replace your laptop's hard drive, follow Asus G750JW-BBI7N05 Hard Drive Replacement.

Laptop Running Slow

Your laptop runs very slowly when you run multiple programs simultaneously.

Insufficient RAM

When your laptop runs slowly or crashes during memory-intensive tasks, such as running multiple programs at the same time or running a large program, you may have faulty or insufficient RAM. To replace bad RAM or install more RAM to your laptop, follow Asus G750JW-BBI7N05 RAM Replacement.

Laptop Loses Power Fast

When not plugged in, your laptop will be out of power very quickly.

Battery Saver is Disabled

Most operating systems contain a built-in battery saver option that changes certain settings, such as screen brightness, in order to conserve battery power. If available, you can typically enable this option from the Settings menu. Alternatively, you may wish to adjust these settings manually.

Failing Battery

As laptop batteries age, they gradually lose their ability to hold a charge, resulting in a laptop that loses power more quickly. In this case, the battery must be replaced. You can do so using Asus G750JW-BBI7N05 Battery Replacement.

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