Camera Won't Turn On
Check the Battery
Make sure the camera has full battery. If the camera has't been used in a while or you don't know the condition of the batteries in the camera, this can be a simple solution to your problem.
Check Battery Cover
The battery cover might not be completely shut which will cause a bad connection. Make sure the cover is fully closed.
Camera Won't Save Pictures
Check Memory Card
Check to make sure you have a memory card installed in the camera. Also, make sure the memory card is fully inserted into the camera.
Type of Memory Card
Make sure the memory card you are using is compatible with the Canon A610 camera.
Black screen on power up
You get a blank screen on power up even when taking pictures, pictures come out black.
Low battery
Sometimes a camera may turn the display off to conserve battery. Make sure the camera has full battery and test the display to see if this solves the problem.
There have been numerous reports of a bad batch of CCD's sent out to Canon during the production of this model. It is a very good possibility your CCD went bad. Replacement of the CCD will most likely solve the issue.
Cracked LCD screen
If the LCD screen is cracked then you will have to replace the LCD screen.
Zoom lens won't extend out
No matter what you do, the zoom lens will not extend out of the camera housing.
Strike firmly but gently on the fleshy part of your palm
It is the common solution to any problem and this time it might actually work. It's worth a shot before we begin dissecting your camera.
Drained/bad battery
If your camera won't turn on, and therefore won't extend the zoom lens. The batteries might be dead. Insert 4 new AA batteries to see if that does the trick.
Zoom lens is broken
If none of the above problems seem to be the case with your camera, it is possible that the zoom lens is broken and needs replacement. We sell the zoom lens to the A610 and offer a step by step guide on how to replace it.
No Flash
Check Your Settings
Check to make sure the Flash is not turned off in the camera settings.
Dead/Depleted Battery
The flash on a camera uses up quite a bit of power and if the battery on your camera is dead/depleted, the flash will not function properly.
Faulty Connection
Make sure all screws are tight and that the case is fully closed.
Flash Bulb Has Burned Out
The flash might have burned out if the camera's flash is used often. If over time the flash has stop working the most likely source of the problem is a burned out flash bulb that needs to be replaced.
6 Kommentare
Off On switch doesn’t work—new batteries—cleaned battery connections. can the switch be replaced? all other listed comments are OK ?? It has been a wonderful camera
nancyland43 - Antwort
Mentioned above is blank screen on power-up and picture coming out black, but mentions nothing about a cure. Any ideas?
Leon Nelson - Antwort
Bad CCD is mentioned. What’s a CCD?
Leon Nelson - Antwort
My del A 610(purchased in UK)Moisture inside screen glass, view not clear to confirm image coverage. All other functions are okay.HOW TO REMOVE THE MOISTURE.
chennai xl - Antwort
Can't download pictures with Zoombrowser EX. The A610 camera is working well, and saving images A-OK. I re-downloaded the ZB EX software and replaced the USB cable.
Chuck Klein - Antwort
mi camara funciona perfectamente, solo tiene un problema que al tomar la foto se ve negro, pero la pantalla funciona solo es la foto, alguien sabe como puedo arreglarlo?
Carlos - Antwort