TomTom Runner Akku austauschen
Zu Schritt 1 der AnleitungWenn der Bildschirm unbeschädigt ist und trotzdem nicht an geht, oder wenn der Akku seine Ladung nicht mehr hält, dann brauchst du diese Austauschanleitung. Hier wird dir gezeigt, wie du die Uhr öffnen und den Akku austauschen kannst. Die Anleitung ist auch richtig, wenn du nur die Rückseite austauschen willst.
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Hebe zuerst den unteren teil des Armbands an. Fange an, das Armband im Bereich um die Tasten abzulösen.
Fahre mit dem Ablösen des Bandes fort, bis sich der Bildschirm vom Armband löst.
Fahre fort, am Armband zu ziehen, bis es komplett abgelöst ist.
Entferne die beiden 3,0 mm Torx T4 Schrauben von der Vorderseite.
Diese beiden Schrauben sind am Ende blau markiert. (Vermutlich Schraubensicherung). Sie werden von Schraubenhaltern festgehalten, entferne auch diese.
Drehe die Schrauben von der Vorderseite her heraus. Die Schraubenhalter fallen dann auf der Rückseite heraus.
Wackle vorsichtig mit deinen Fingern oder einem Spudger am Vibrationsmotor, so dass er sich vom Rückdeckel löst.
Fasse das rückseitige Gehäuse fest an und heble den schwarzen Akkupack mit einem Plastiköffnungswerkzeug heraus.
Wenn der Akku draußen ist, kannst du ihn gegen einen neuen austauschen.
Wenn du nur die Rückseite austauschen willst, dann kannst du jetzt den alten Akku in die neue Rückseite einsetzen.
Where to buy a new battrey
oh that’s a good question - where to buy a battery! also…. maybe different all together question - my watch face shows a battery with a line through it like it’s “dead” waiting now over a week for it to actually “die” so I might try recharging it. When it’s on the charger it shows the time and that it’s charging, but it never get’s “full,” and when I unplug it from the charger I get the battery with a line through it Icon not what time it actually is…. could you help with this question?
You can get batteries for various smart watches on ebay
For anyone else finding this guide and who has a Runner 2 note the following:
This guide does *not* apply directly to the Runner 2, although the Runner is very similar.
Differences and points to note:
- The battery for the runner 2/3 can be found on AliExpress under code PP332737.
- The Runner 2 uses T5 torx screws, 6 of them.
- Danger: The battery connector on the watch motherboard is fragile and not easily seperated from the socket on the motherboard. Be very careful — I ended up pulling the socket and connector clean off the board, ruining the watch.
Other than that it was fairly easy to open, and although I did loosen it as per the above instructions, I don’t think you have to loosen the vibrator component.
I suspect with slightly more patience and care I would’ve successfully replaced the battery and not bricked my watch.
Die Anleitung ist gut und einfach zu verstehen. Aber wie komme ich an einen neuen Akku für die TomTom Runner 2 ?
Exactly, same question … where do you buy the battery? The guide to carefully opening the TomTom gps runner watch is excellent, especially with the right tools. Now, all I need to know is where to buy the replacement battery. The dead battery is wireless, 2 thin metal strips designating + and - also this is its serial number SP332230 ABL S45 28 N60323. I assume the first series of digits SP332230 is key serial number.
I followed this guide to open up my TomTom Spark 3. Differences are:
-There are only 6 screws in the back to remove.
-No need to remove or loosen the vibrator component: it is almost totally out of the way of the battery (sitting just next to it)
-Be careful prying apart the two sides: not only is the battery connected to the board but there is also flat copper tape between them!
-Pull upwards to remove the battery connector (on the vertical axis) rather than as if you were sliding it out
-With the particular battery I had, the wires were slightly larger than the original ones, so a bit finicky to find space for them in the watch - but it is possible!
This was the battery I ordered. It arrived 3 months later, so be patient… So far it is working ok, hasn’t lost a crazy amount of charge overnight like the original battery was doing! :)
I also forgot to mention some things…
The battery is most likely NOT waterproof anymore after going through this procedure, although I did attempt to reposition the O-ring (whatever it’s called) as best as I could. I will avoid using it when swimming and showering in the future just in case…
When the new battery was connected and positioned, it helped me a lot to do this to ensure everything was ok:
-Close the watch as much as possible and connect to charger. Observe screen to see if it is functioning normally.
-If normal, remove charger and observe if screen changes from charging icon to normal screen
-If ok, start screwing everything together and fitting the battery wires in while watching the screen at all times to ensure it doesn’t lose connection while you are putting it all back together.
Du bist fertig, wenn der Akku ersetzt ist. Um dein Gerät wieder zusammen zu bauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehreter Reihenfolge.
Du bist fertig, wenn der Akku ersetzt ist. Um dein Gerät wieder zusammen zu bauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehreter Reihenfolge.
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8gro battery where do I find one
Very nice explaination. Would be good to mention the replacementbattery.
Very hard to find on the www.
Anyone found out already?
Know it’s lithium polymer with capacity of 190 mAh / 3,7V
When size is known, a replacement must be somewere.
Can someone advise where we can purchase these batteries
Anyone know where can i buy this battery?
Hi, I found and ordered the replacement battery here:
Or you can search elsewhere for 3.7V 190mAh battery, code 322028 (digits 3, 20 and 28 mean the dimensions 3mmx20mmx28mm)
Hope it helps…
Maybe this:
Just an FYI, the current software is a battery hog. I was getting only about 3 hours of cycling time with the music playing on blue tooth and my heart rate being monitored. the fix: I chatted with customer care and they rolled me back to the 1.3.255 version. So far the battery life is much improved. You give up the latest features but all I want is what came in the box
My watch is 3 years old so I know the battery will die soon. The link send me to a page where you have to order 10 batteries or even 50
My battery died very soon after I charged. I ordered a new one on Ali Express. Changing the old one went very well. Now charging. I’ll let you know about the result.
The battery I ordered:
This might be an appropriate battery, but need to check the size / shape before I buy and try it out.
Will let you know…
Sabe usted si a alguien le funciono ese modelo???
Gaso26 -
Very, very happy! I have a TomTom Spark 3 and the only change to these steps for the TomTom Runner is that you are unable to completely disconnect the backing plate completely as it remains joined via a ribbon connector for the optical heart rate sensor.
You still remove the black box vibrator component and then you are able to get in behind the battery to pry it out. Just be careful to not break the ribbon connector.
I ordered a replacement battery from Ali Express “Battery for TomTom Spark 3 Watch New Li-Polymer Polymer Rechargeable Accumulator Pack Replacement 3.7V 280mAh PP332727+Trackable”
Also, it wasn’t clear how to disconnect the battery connector… I worked out that it pops out by prying it upwards. The new battery then just snaps back into place.
echt gute Anleitung, aber ohne eine eindeutige Bezugsquelle für eine Ersatzbatterie hilft die nur zum Öffnen und Entfernen des Akkus, aber was dann? Wenn es keinen Ersatzakku zu kaufen gibt, ist die beste Anleitung nutzlos.
Vielleicht kann man die noch nachreichen, dann ist die Anleitung perfekt.
Gruß Erich
Hi, sind wir vielleicht schon fündig geworden? Dieses Produkt vielleicht getestet?
MaxMulti -
I bought this one at AliExpress for my TomTom Runner 2 Cardio and the battery totally fits but, be aware, the polarity is inverted. I had to pay an electronics technician to change the battery wiring. The connection plug is not symmetrical, which means that turning the wire isn’t enough, you need to change the connector.
Overall, it’s still a good deal, since I love this watch and payed around €22 for the battery and the technician.
I’ll post again once I charge the battery and evaluate how long it’ll run.
Got the runner 3. Found this inside
If link is dead: AHB332824HPS (3.8V, 230 mAh, .9Wh)
Hallo zusammen, wo kann ich diesen Akku kaufen. Gruß Stefan
Got the battery required and managed to get the unit apart as per instructions. The battery terminal is where information is lacking a bit as how to get out, but managed this by gently levering up and out. Problem is that to reinsert the battery terminal, I can’t get a connection. Thought it may be an issue with the new battery, but tested on the multimeter and all good, also tried with the old battery and no luck. Any thoughts and tips would be very appreciated.
Same issue here. I know that the batteries are touching the terminals correctly but the watch acts like it isn't getting power.
Very helpful. Thanks
Replacing battery on a Runner 2 (I think similar to Runner 3) does not require removal of vibrator. There are 6 screws. The battery can be removed by gently wiggling it loose with a thin blade. The battery has a little adhesive, so it won’t come loose by itself. Start lifting it on the opposite side from the ribbon connector (which runs from screen side to back plate). The last part of removing the battery requires wiggling the battery from left-to-right (looking into the watch with the ribbon connector away from you), because there is no room left for up-down movement. Check the shape and wire colouring of the battery connector at this point! Once loose remove the battery connector by using a small screwdriver to lift up the connector (don’t need to pull the wires or anything). It just pops out. The new battery can be connected by inserting the connector down into its socket. Push down gently. Make sure you insert it with the correct side down (the little openings on the connector should go down). HTH
if you replace the battery is the watch still waterproof? I use my for swimming (when we can get back in the pool) and running.
Use Q reader on the battery. (I had to photograph the Q code to make it big enough for Q reader to read!) but got code of battery and I just googled it and came up with lots of options. I’ve brought one on Ebay for around £20. Simples. TomTom Golf 2 battery code is AHB332824HPS.
I also found a nice tutorial for the change on Youtube
The battery is SP332230AB with the following dimensions :
Length: Approx. 28.5mm - Width: 20.09mm - Depth. 3.07mm
You can find some on ebay.
Grundsätzlich vielen Dank für diese Anleitung, Akkutausch hat gut geklappt! Aber warum ich den unter “Werkzeuge” aufgeführten T5 Schraubendreher kaufen soll, der dann gar nicht gebraucht wird, ist mir unverständlich. Zum Glück war der gerade nicht lieferbar und ich habe es so probiert. Auch den Ausbau des Vibrationsmotors habe ich mir gespart, der Akku ließ sich auch so tauschen. Hilfreicher wäre ein Hinweis gewesen, wie das Kabel des Akkus aus- und wieder eingebaut wird (ist auch auf euren Bildern überhaupt nicht zu sehen). War aber relativ einfach abzuziehen und wieder rein zu drücken.
Axel Motz - Antwort