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The Commodore 64 was released in August 1982 and was met with huge success. In March of 1987 the Commodore 64C was released.

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Can I use a floppy disk with the C64?

I have a 5.25 inch floppy disk, is this compatible with the Commodore 64?

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The Commodore 64's floppy drive is actually more complex than other PC drives, so other disks are NOT compatible. You'll have to get disks that are specific to the C64.

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This a rather interesting drive designed specifically for the commodore 64:


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Alleen de 1541 Drive van Commodore is bruikbaar.

Dit zijn enkelzijdige drives met minder dan 360/2 (180) KB.

Niet alle 40 sporen, maar slechts 35 sporen worden gebruikt.

Met een trucje zijn de diskettes aan twee zijden bruikbaar door deze handmatig om te draaien.


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you'll need a Commodore 1541 disk drive and it works with any blank or c64 game 5¼" disks

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You need the "SHUGART" interface protocols on the drive. So it can interface with the timing and positioning.


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If you are unable to find disks / a working drive, some hardware hackers have managed to emulate it with a Raspberry Pi.


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