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The ASUS Transformer TF101 tablet was released in April 2011 and discontinued shortly thereafter. The tablet features a 10.1 inch screen, two USB ports and two audio ports.

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Why is my tablet not turning on?

No matter what I do my tablet won't turn on.

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Please help ! My tablet don't turn on , it lights when turn on but the screen is blank. Thank you


why is it my tablet not turn on and even not charging. it almost a week when i played and then it become empty but when i charged it, it didnt. please help


I charged my tablet 3 weeks ago it turned on and went back out, i thought for whatever reason maybe it didnt charge, so i charged it again and the same problem occured.


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1 Antwort

Make sure your tablet is charged. If it still won't turn on, the battery may need to be replaced with a new one. You will need to take the tablet apart and buy a new battery. Click here ASUS Transformer TF101 Troubleshooting for a guide on how to replace the battery.

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