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The Wi-Fi-equipped Canon PowerShot SX510 HS is a perfectly capable long zoom camera.

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LCD screen repair guide?

I am looking for a reair guide for a Canon powershot SX510HS as I have dropped it and cracked the screen, it still powers up but the screen is blank.

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There doesn't appear to be one at present but if you can find one for a similar model you can probably work it out fairly easily as there is likely to be much in common in the construction of different cameras in an evolutionary range. LCD replacement should be fairly straightforward.

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Go to a camera shop who will replace it

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By all means try a camera shop if you like but I suspect you'll find a professional repair uneconomic.

There's a repair guide on this site for the SX500 and the SX510 is going to be virtually the same. There's a replacement screen currently on eBay at a very reasonable price, alternatively with just a little patience you should be able to pick up another camera of the same model but with a different fault on eBay much more cheaply than a professional repair, and then you can practice disassembly on that to give you confidence to open your own.

Go for it - it's not hard! Last week a 13 year old schoolgirl did the same repair on another Powershot of similar construction with just a little supervision from myself.


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