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A gaming laptop released in Asus's G74 Republic of Gamers series in 2011.

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Why is my laptop so hot?

I've noticed that the bottom of my laptop gets extremely hot, nearly burning to the touch. I have a fan in the laptop and can hear it operating when I turn on the laptop but it continues to get really hot. Can a fan's function deteriorate or is there possibly something blocking the fan from working at its full potential? Or is there something else causing the laptop to heat up?

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The Asus gaming laptops (and all of them, really) get hot. It's just what they do. Now, if it is abnormally hot, which it sounds like it is for your case, then the laptop needs to be taken apart and cleaned. I just repaired the same model for a friend of mine, and it was filthy on the inside, even though the person themselves was a clean freak. The fan ports on the laptop get clogged up easily and quickly, so a good cleaning should help out a lot. I highly doubt it is your fan.

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my laptop is fairly new. it's been like that since day one. if I leave it idle for a short while, it would get so hot that it burns. it would not respond (the start button) until it gets cooled down (in the fridge)


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  • Open Task manager and check any sign of abnormal CPU usage?
  • Check the FAN RPM
  • Clean the heatsink and fan blades
  • Check and clean around thermal sensor
  • proposing you to use cooling pad which can enhance life of the notebook

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I second Eric's advice. I would say that it would be smart to check your temperatures, you can do this with software like speedfan. If they are excessive and remain so after cleaning chances are your thermal paste may need replacing.

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Both the above answers seem pretty close to what you might have a problem with, but if neither of those solutions fix your Asus's overheating problem, head over to the troubleshooting page.

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Apply thermal paste on the processor chip, this is also known as cooling paste that keep your processor cool.

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Are playing the laptop without the charger or not

The charger is like a computer that needs a power supply to work and a laptop needs to work as good for gaming

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