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Repair and support for ceiling-mounted bladed fans.

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How can I fix my ceiling fan?..

It makes a loud noise when its on and when it on actully it look like if its about to fall off

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Violet, not sure what it looks like but it does sound like your fan may be getting loose. Make sure that you fan is mouned on a fan-rated box and not just a box for a light fixture. It may came off where the box is mounted to in your ceiling. If that checks out okay you do want to check the screws that secure the blades to the motor. Make sure they are all tight. If none of those fixes solve the problem, try balancing the blades. Balancing kits are available at lighting stores.

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Your ceiling fan has bearings in the motor that have to be oiled and that may be making the noise. What kind of noise is it? Grinding or wobbling? Also, you might want to check each blade to make sure that the screws have not come loose.

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