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Das Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ist ein Smartphone, das im Oktober 2014 heraus kam. Die Modellnummer des Galaxy Note 4 ist bei der amerikanischen Variante eine der folgenden: SM-N910, SM-N910A, SM-N910T, SM-N910V, oder SM-N910R4.

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How to remove retail mode?

Hey all:

I have a few Sprint note 4's. I can't figure out how to get them out of retail mode. I've tried using Odin to flash stock firmware and it doesn't remove the retail software. I've tried holding volume up when rebooting and it says, "MDM settings don't allow factory reset." I've gotten AT&T Note 4's out of retail mode with no issues, but these Sprint phones are stubborn. If anyone has any experience with this, or any suggestions, I would love some advice.


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اعاني نفس المشكلة في موبايل not4


Hey how did you get the at&t ones out of retail mode permanently?


I bought a Galaxy Tab A from Meier. It is stuck in retail mode. I've tried all the passwords listed, but nothing works. I get invalid password.


Well I'm meeting with a representative from the store Friday who is supposed to help me remove retail mode. Hopefully it will work and if it does, I will share how we got it done.


Don't work on Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 4


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From Canada here,

you go to the app called Retail Mode. First password is the - 5444, then you will click off disable retail mode. will ask you again for password. that you will use the M729Q16K8546. It will then as you if you want to factory reset phone. Click yes.

Just did this on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Floor model phone that was given to me from a friend to make it usable.

will update if it's all said and done!

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after you put in both passwords, just click home button. go to settings privacy and lock screen I think. You need to go to device manager, and unclick the retail mode. retail mode will then be off after you do above comment. just going to attempt to flash it with a new firmware.


Wanna know if there is a way u could use the cellular on the rEtal unit. Once you successfully remove it??


Please Please Please help me out..

i'm stuck with the samsung retail mode, want to be always updated with apps from this site and accidentally tried installing this apk on my main phone (Airtel/India) GALAXY S6.

Unable to uninstall this mode..!!


This is very helpful information

I tried the above details on my galaxy Note 4 and it was reset

very grateful

but I dont no if there is a way i can use cellular with it


Thanks. Had issue on my son's Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6, as all installed aplication disapeared after some time and lots of settings wasn't setting, like screen brihgtness and anoing screensaver when in sleep mode. I noticed strange task in tasks list. It was in retailer mode for some uknown reason. Box with tablet was sealed and didn't noticed any damages of seal. Anyway all sorted after entered paswords above and factory reset. Thanks for info.


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If your demo tablet originated from BestBuy, the administrative password is "blue" without quotes. See, i.e., http://kollins.com/wp-content/uploa...st.... I can confirm that this password worked on a Galaxy Tab S 8.4 running KitKat.

Yesterday at 7:27 PM

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Also worked on a Samsung Galaxy Tab E from Verizon! Thank you!!!


Yes it worked, thank you.


Thanks a lot!! :D


Nope...I also have a Galaxy tab E and blue didn't work. As well...none of the passwords have


Used the blue...but nonow its asking for another code. Do you remeber?


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I also had few AT&T note 4 on retail mode but this passcodes was able to disable it and i am using it with t-mobile now. Passcode: 5444 and M729Q16K8546. This codes only work for AT&T.

I have a sprint note 4 but can't still disable the retail mode. Anyone with an idea on how to disable it?

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So I'm guessing everyone has already tried flashing the samsung firmware via odin and samsung kies?

These are the usual instructions, but I think you've already tried.

-Go to the app drawer and open an app called Samsung Retail.

-Go to Configuration Settings and enter the password 5444 to unlock it.

-Uncheck “Disable the factory reset” and enter the following password M729Q16K8546.

I'm guessing putting custom ROM would be another solution too.


hello, i just succeded in doing so.

i first used odin to upgrade the firmware to the 5.01 stock international firmware. then, always with odin i rooted it.

finally i installed titanum backup from the market, which allowed me to remove all the apps i wanted from the device.


anyone who will guide me about removing retail mode on note 2 ..

i had enter a password 5444 but service enable option would not working.. anyone have any solution for it


First password 5444, worked for both apps (samsung retail mode & galaxy retail mode)

Second password



Works great here in Canada too, just talked a friend through it on the phone and it's resetting as we speak.


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There are many passwords out there that are worth a shot.. some stores use their own passwords. (And in some cases the phone allows you to pick from a list of retailers, so pick Walmart and try these 2) Here are some I know of:

Walmart device: rollback, Walton

Bestbuy: blue

Others I’ve read have worked (worth a shot right?!)

- galaxy

- ruletheair

- rethink

- demomode exit

- instoredemo

- unlimited

- remove cod

- nationwider

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Can anyone help me with a galaxy tab A 10.1? I got it for my daughter and it's stuck in retail/demo mode... It was from Target and they said to get ahold of Samsung which got me nowhere.. I've tried the "5444" "unlimited" and everything else on this thread so far with no luck... My daughter needs it for school and this is a huge Inconvenience, any help would be much appreciated!!!


any luck fixing your tab a ?


@tryintohelp thank you so friggen much for that list of pass codes!!! I just spent the last hour looking for the right code and found it on your list!!!


TryinToHelp!, thanks you!!!


Thanks bro <3


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I believe you have to go into the Retail mode app and disable it, the password is unlimited I believe.

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I tried the password unlimited but it invalid to disable the retail mode. Appreciate your help though.


Whoever wants a fresh restart, I'll do it for £50. Just inbox me and I'll make sure it's all new.


Hey you still offering your service


@retailmodeguru r u still servicing the needy of r.mode?


@retailmodeguru can you help me with the retail password for a samsung s23 ultra from atnt


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if t-mobile try magenta

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it worked for me on t-mobile note 5. thank you so much buddy!


No problem my friend.


thanks worked on t-mobile for galaxy s20+ 5g


Thanks for great help . Works like a charm


I don't know why I didn't think of that... spent 2 days trying to remove retail mode... lol


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Have you tried to completely delete everything off the device in recovery?? I would delete everything you can then reflash the rom. Hopefully that helps. If not let me know.

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Nothing changed. As soon as I reflash the ROM it goes straight back into retail mode.


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Try 5444 or galaxy, worked for a tablet that had retail mode on it.

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retail mode pasword remove cod

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Bought a samsung 6 edge plus off Craigslist. Of course it's in retail mode! I already tried the 5444 password, but no luck. It's asking for the store password. I have no idea where it came from. I tried "rollback" for Wal-Mart muy that didn't work...i tried "blue" for best buy...that didn't work. Any other thoughts? I don't really know how to root. Is there more passwords I should try? Ugh what a ripoff

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Walton was another one


I used that code "rollback" to unlock the s9+ from retail mode


Rollback worked on my Galaxy Tab A-8GB.


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Can’t do that, because phone debug is on and due to retail mode can’t turn it off.

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Whoever wants a fresh restart, I'll do it for £50. Just inbox me and I'll make sure it's all new.


How do you do it. I have a demo z fold


@retailmodeguru how do I inbox you I'm new to this site


@Rasel, how do I inbox you?


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I tried the password unlimited on the note5 and it worked. after that I turned off the factory data reset "which is the first option" and it automatically removed the retail demo mode.

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I also have the note 4 demo unit. Been having trouble with the retail software resetting my phone every now and then. I lost some very important photos. Is there a way to change the software at least so that it runs the same one as the actual note 4. Will I be able to use my sim card after that?


That's for Sprint only.


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Meu galaxy A3 ta no retail mode o que faco?

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You can learn english so we can help you


Pual Somlea can suck a dick.


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hello, i just succeded in doing so with a device n910x. (no imei)

1. i used odin to upgrade the device to the stock international firmware 5.01

2. always using odin i rooted it.

3. finally i installed titanium backup to remove all the apps i wanted from the device.

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Managed to use the password above to remove the app and flash with odin, but the retail media files - pics and videos still on there and when I click delete it says failed to delete. Any ideas if anyone removed these? It's about 2.5gb of files

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Wipe data/factory reset should do the trick in recovery. Instead of using volume down to boot use volume up instead.


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Flash twrp or cwm recovery in Odin wipe data flash SuperSU.zip and reboot

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I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 tablet with retail mode on it. I've tried 5444 and all the other passwords listed above none of them work. It is from Barnes and Noble so it starts up as a nook does that matter? I've tried to master reboot and delete but still won't work. Can anyone help

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Download simple factory reset apk


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Its very simple you allow the factory reset mode and tgen you flash twrp, deleta all data,and lastly install sw with odin. Its very simple if you need anything just ask!

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If it’s a Walmart one. The password was either Walton or rollback. I called a sprint store and asked if they could get in touch with a rep for Samsung & hour later got a text of the password. Gotta be smarter than a fifth grader.

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Ok do what did the text say... Why tell us this and not share the password given to you from samsung


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hi i have a cricket galaxy sol 2 retail mode how do i remove it

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its a cricket galaxy sol 2


download apk factory reset on the phone


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Help, I did hard reset many times and did the Factory Reset many times and it didn't delete the Live Demo Unit.

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I had. A samsung. S9 plus from fido and the password that worked was 5444 for both passwords

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download apk factory reset on the phone

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probastes simple factory reset

apk que teléfono es y que compania?

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I have a Galaxy Tab A I purchased from an auction and it is in Samsung Retail Mode. I do not know where it originated from, is there a way to determine that so I can figure out password. Also, using passwords above should I capitalize them all or no. Please help this is a Christmas gift for my grandchild. Thanks


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I have galaxy watch 3 I cant get live demo mode

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Try rollback


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(rollback) is the password for samsung retail mode if 5444 does not work try the passcode above

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I need a atnt note 20 retail mode password


I hace tried all the ones you have listed no luck


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can you please help me with an LG V60 Think Q retail mode removal, please !!!

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Need help with a galaxy a51 stuck in retail it’s from Costco but no password I’ve tried works so far

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