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The Nintendo 3DS XL 2015, marketed as the New Nintendo 3DS XL, was released October 11, 2014 in Japan and February 13, 2015 in North America.

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Wont power on at all.

So someone spilt coffee all over the device and now it isn't working at all, it won't even charge. I opened it up and it didn't seem like a lot of the coffee got inside the device, mostly just in the nooks and crannies of the buttons. Is the damage irreparable, or is it just a matter of changing the battery? Please help.

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Glad to help u out bud, might be the battery, If u have an older version of the 3ds xl, that battery is compatible with the newer version of 3ds xl, if not then this is optional, u can send it to Nintendo for a replacement or u can buy replacement parts from wiigotem at eBay.

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