Why is My Computer Freezing?
Recently, while I have been using my Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro, it has been completely freezing up. What can I do to stop this from happening?
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Recently, while I have been using my Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro, it has been completely freezing up. What can I do to stop this from happening?
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It is a common problem with Lenovo Yoga 3 Pros, it seems like it occurs generally after ~1 year of use.
Generally it happens when you move the screen, and is linked to the Broadcom Wifi Adapter. Some people found that updating the driver (Device Manager - Network Adapters - Broadcom Wifi Adapter) helps.
Check this out:
In my case, updating the driver didn't help (either did a system roll back to factory settings with Windows 8.1). In my opinion it is a hardware problem, maybe linked to the display's coax cable.
Has anybody tried if opening the computer and checking the display cable (as explained here: Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro Display Assembly Replacement) helps?
The problem is being discussed and solved here: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-Yoga...
It is not the display cable, but the wifi-antenna on the Broadcom wifi/bluetooth-adapter. It's loosening with the time and the solution in most of the cases seems to be to open the laptop and fix the antenna-cable carefully.
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Hi guys
i have just been experiencing the same issue with my Yoga 1370 to the point that i was ready to chuck it in the bin...
in any case, i came across this post as I was about to and gave it a crack.
So, I opened the machine as per the instructions but only up to step 9 or so to release the battery, then i proceeded to disconnect and reconnect the wifi adaptor and reassembled.
so far it has restarted with no issues so it seemed to work! (at least in the short term)
anyway. Thanks for your help:)
It sounds like there might be an issue with the SSD or RAM, or maybe the SATA port/cable of the SSD. I'd recommend that you backup any important data which you might have on that drive, just to be on the safe side. After that go ahead and download an SSD diagnostic tool to see the SMART data and if there's anything unusual going on. You could also download a RAM diagnostic tool to test your memory as well
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This is not a "RAM issue".
It is a well know SHORT CIRCUIT issue cause by poor solder insulation & prolonged use which causes the metal housing to short.
This can be tested by disabling the WIFI. when disabled the screen can be moved without freezing.
The fix is simple - put a layer of Kapton tape (electrical insulation) over the wifi card antenna connection and it's solder joints.
There may be malware on your computer. Update your security system and run a full sweep to scan for potential malware. If malware is the issue then the security system will take care of it.
Another potential solution would be to back up all of your important files onto an external hard drive or on to the Steady State Drive and restore your computer.
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Had exact same problem with the Yoga 3 freezing any time you move the screen forward, unless you disable the network card. Driver update didn't help. Was about to open it up to make sure nothing was loose.
Turned the laptop over and noticed that 2 of the screws near the hinge were a bit loose. Before doing anything else, I just tightened those screws and checked - PROBLEM FIXED. Just having the case loose was enough to cause the problem. A very easy thing to check before wasting a lot of time and money.
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how do u tighten the screws when the screws are not normal screws
you need a Torx 5 screwdriver. Something like this: http://phonedoctors.com/product/high-qua...
My Lenovo yoga pro 3 was dropped on mistake and now I have this issue. The screws on the hinges are bent and will not tighten. Any suggestions on how this problem can be fixed under this circumstance?
I also have started facing this issue currently almost near at a years usage. Unable to identify the reason as some time it freezes within few minutes, sometimes on login screen and some time after a few hours of operation.
Please guide.
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Open the laptop (remove the torx 5 screws holding on the back cover), disconnect the two contacts to the wireless adaptor, undo the screw which holds it in place and remove it. Then put it all back again. I added a small bit of insulation tape between the metal connectors and the securing screw for the wireless adaptor to make sure there is no electrical short between them. The fix seemed to last for a few months before it returned. I repeated the process and it was fixed again (for a while).
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I have the same problem on my lenovo yoga 3pro 1370
Can you help me
No one here in my country can fix it
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I spent hours on this, in the end I disabled two drivers. Under network adapters I disabled Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) and Bluetooth (RFCOMM Protocol TDI).
von tednobbe