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This is a, 35.70 cm (L) x 25.70 cm (W) x 2.54 cm (min H) / 3.96 cm (max H), notebook PC the unit weighs 6.6 lbs. It was released in 2006 and comes standard with a 80 GB hard drive.

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Why do I struggle to connect ot WiFi?

My notebook struggles with Wifi connection. If it is connected the signal is always weak. I can be right next to a laptop that has full Wifi strength and I can't connect at all. Sometimes the signal goes in and out, when there is no change with the router or even if I stay in a stationary position.

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2 Antworten

You may or may not have a broken or faulty WiFi card, or the antenna may be disconnected.

Here is a link to our repair page.

HP Compaq Presario V6000

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You can try disconnecting and re-connecting the WiFi Card on your laptop's motherboard.

Another thing to do is:

Go into Device Management (type devmgmt.msc in Run window) -> Double click on Network Adapters ->

Uninstall the 802.11 g/b driver (uncheck the option that asks if you want to remove it from your system) then click the top-right most icon that says Scan for Hardware Changes.

Now try connecting to your network.

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