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Repair guides and support for the laptop/tablet hybrid in the Toshiba Satellite Radius series released in 2014.

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Why is my sattelite asking for a password?

After an update my Toshiba p55w restarted and opened on a page with large white square with a key board and a space that said 'password'. Now I can't get into my PC at all. "F" keys don't work, I can't get into safe mode. In fact I can't do anything. I tried every password I ever used and after 3 tries my PC shuts off. So now it is just a brick.

Let me be clear : I can't do anything. No access to anything but the screen with the white square with keyboard and password. Nothing else, nada, zip, zero, zilch. Any help would be appreciated.


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This sounds like a UEFI password. After the 3rd attempt does it give a code? This is a recovery code and you can use it to get an unlock password from a couple of websites that Google (for some reason) doesn't index. There's a link to them in the External Links section at the bottom of https://wiki.restarters.net/UEFI_and_GPT

If you're in legacy mode (it looks like old fashioned BIOS) then it may be possible to reset the password by shorting a couple of solder pads on the motherboard. On a set of Toshibas I unlocked last year they were visible under a bottom cover plate next to the RAM sockets, and it helped greatly to temporarily solder onto them a push button on the end of a long flying lead. Google may help you find them, if not try yandex.ru, which seems to have less scruples than Google.

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Thanks for your answer, however the shorting of the contact points doesn't work on This model Toshiba laptop. There is no message that comes up at all, ever.

After 3 password attempts it just shuts down and when I restart it goes back to

the big square white box with keyboard and password space.

Thanks again


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