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The ASUS Transformer TF101 tablet was released in April 2011 and discontinued shortly thereafter. The tablet features a 10.1 inch screen, two USB ports and two audio ports.

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How to install GPS/WiFi antenna on ASUS TF101?

Hi there,

I just bought this item (ASUS Eee Pad Transformer (TF101) Wi-Fi and GPS Antenna) to install on my tablet as I intend to use it as a GPS in my car. However, I don't know how to install it. Can you please help?


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You can use this guide to open the tablet:

Asus Transformer T100 Rear Cover Replacement

The wifi/GPS antenna should be along one of the long sides.

However, the tablet comes with GPS from the factory, and unless the part failing it shouldn't need replacement.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks George. However, support request is for the unit TF101 (not TF100). TF101 does not have a factory installed GPS. The above link you provided is applicable to TF100 & shows only removing the rear cover which does not help me either remove the rear cover for this model nor does it actually help to install the antenna.


@rajakingkanth, according to this article, the tablet does support it, as well as A-GPS:


The guide is for showing how to get into the tablet. I realize it's not the exact same model, but it has the same design.

Lastly, even if it doesn't have GPS, installing an antenna that does support GPS will not add GPS. An antenna is only a signal booster. It does not add the necessary radios for GPS.


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