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Es handelt sich hierbei um den Nachfolger des LG V10 Smartphones, der dem LG G5 ähnelt und am 29. September 2016 auf den Markt kam. Das LG V20 ist durch folgende Modellnummern gekennzeichnet: F800, H910, H918, H990 DS Dual, H990N Dual, H990T, LS997, US996 und VS995. Es ist in titan, pink oder silber mit 32/64 GB Speicher verfügbar.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

After speaker replacement the device still has no sound

I just ordered a new loud speaker for an LG V20 that was not functioning. After I installed the new speaker it still has no volume. I also hard reset it just to make sure it was not a software issue. After micro inspecting it as well I do not see anything wrong with the contact pads or any sign of damage.

-reading online apparently the V20's have a lot of issues with this so I was seeing if this has happened to anyone else.

Thank you so much!

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this has not happened specifically to me, but i work at a cell phone repair shop, and have fixed this issue on other devices a few times.

1) Verify speaker function: though the part is new, it could be defective. plug the speaker into a 4V power supply, and it should let out a hum, with a small popping noise. thismeans its functioning.

2) Factory reset: if the speaker works fine, the factory reset will remove most generic software corruptions that could cause the issue. (This will erase all of your data). be sure to check settings and ensure the sound is enabled before trying this.

3) Verify current is being supplied to the speaker: i have an adapter i made that connects to the clip connectors, and i solder leads onto the pressure traces. connect the ends to a multimeter, and verify voltage while trying to make a sound on the device.

3b) if you find that you are not getting the required voltage, then you may have a board level failure, in which you need to diagnose. board level issues are not a home level repair, and i would suggest hiring someone with a background in the field.

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Step three worked for me. Thank you very much!


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Are you sure you replaced the speaker properly, try this step by step guide [http://89240|Here] I hope this helps if not reply back and ill see if i can help even more!

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