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Das iPhone 6 Plus mit dem 5,5 Zoll Display ist die größere Version des iPhone 6 und seit dem 19. September 2014 auf dem Markt.

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Camera Lens how to fix


I hope you could help me, so I dropped my iPhone recently and the lens of it’s camera took off, and I tried to use super glue on it at first it was okay but then it starts to fog up, I want to take off the lens but ofcourse it won’t come off because I used super glue so could you help me how can I remove it?

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Hello, I have personally ran into this myself in the past. First of all, you are going to want to open up the phone and disconnect the battery, remove the screen, and remove the camera. Then, your best option is to remove the lens from the interior if you can, otherwise, take a small razor blade, and scrape the glass off bit by bit. Be careful not to scratch the metal, or interior of the device. This process will take a bit of time. Once all of the glass and adhesive is clear, take your replacement lens, and apply it with a silicone adhesive instead. This gets a good seal on it so it won’t fog up, and its a lot more practical than superglue. Hope this helps!

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Super Glue creates a haze when it dries on glass. Since its Super Glued in, you will probably have to break it out. Try looking for a replacement glass that comes with adhesive - otherwise, use something like E6000 which is available at most stores.

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