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Der Dyson v6 Absolute ist ein kabelloser Staubsauger ohne Staubbeutel, der im September 2014 auf den Markt kam. Er verfügt über ein HEPA Filtersystem gegen Allergene. Er kann auf allen Böden benutzt werden und wiegt rund 2,1 Kilo. Er hat die Modellnummer SV09.

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Why isn't my Dyson charging?

Dyson Cordless yellow (v6 animal or motorhead? ) upright stick vacuum and handheld)

At first when I put Bumblebee ( I named her after Transformers) on the charger the light came on and the vacuum went vrrm for a second before dying , than after that nothing just a click , now just silence and no light .. reminiscent of old car in the winter when the starter or alternator go out . I d like to know if there is a way to know which the problem is and if it's something I can myself fix and or replace.

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Bewertung 8
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When i plug my dyson on charge it blinks all lights for a second then nothing, no power at all. What is wrong with it


My dyson v7 was working fine in morning then suddenly it stopped working and now it doesn’t charge too I have cleaned it as well but nothing works shows no light


Hi, I have cleaned all parts of my V6 Dyson and still not working. Blue light flashing, then yellow light. What shall I do?


hi,i had a problem with dc35,motor had packed in so ordered a new dc35 motor only to find the battery wouldnt fit,seemingly there is the type a and b.typical.

went back on amazon ordered a new battery that would fit and found that the charger wouldnt work.the light on the charger didnt come on when connected to the battery.was told to buy a new charger.didnt do that.

the charger is plugged directly into the hoover and not through the holding craddle.but even this was not allowing the charger to make good connection to the battery.

removed battery completely and plugged into charger turned on power at the wall,light on charger came on and battery charged

hoover working


The problem of my Dyson cutting out was not the battery. I pulled the power head apart, cleaned it of all the hairs etc and most importantly oiled the bearings on both ends of the small motor and the bearing end of the brush. Do not use mineral oil for this. I used Lanolin oil which I think will not attract dust. Voila! No new battery needed. If the power head motor is seized and cannot turn the motor cuts out after a few seconds, and this fixes it.


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Gewählte Lösung

Hi @lambkahla,

If your Dyson v6 Absolute vacuum cleaner turns off unexpectedly during use or no longer turns on, see the Dyson v6 Absolute Turns Off Unexpectedly or Won’t Turn On problem page for possible causes and solutions.

How old is the vacuum cleaner?

Dyson battery packs usually have a life span of 3-4 years.

It may be that the batteries are failing to hold their charge and need to be replaced. Even rechargeable batteries have a life span.

Here’s a link to a video that shows how to remove /replace the battery pack in a Dyson V6 Animal.

Replacement battery packs are available online. Just search for Dyson V6 Animal battery pack to get results for suppliers of the part.

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My batteries are only 6 mths old cleaned it all out changed filter,but came on for 1/3 minuets them went off


The problem of my Dyson cutting out was not the battery. I pulled the power head apart, cleaned it of all the hairs etc and most importantly oiled the bearings on both ends of the small motor and the bearing end of the brush. Do not use mineral oil for this. I used Lanolin oil which I think will not attract dust. Voila! No new battery needed. If the power head motor is seized and cannot turn the motor cuts out after a few seconds, and this fixes it.


Vacuum arrived last December. I used it twice. Dust bin cover broke. And it wouldn't charge. Dyson exchanged it for a new one. Same thing happened again. It won't charge.


I find it absolutely ridiculous that we spend over 600$ for a vacuum and it’s such a pain in the ass to get it to work. I will never purchase a Dyson again ?


I agree!! This is the second one I bought and it does the same thing as the last one. Turns on for roughly 1 minute and then shuts off. If I put it on the charger it’ll run again for about another 30 seconds. Dyson‘s are a piece of $@$*! Never again will I buy another one.


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Had the same problem. cleaned the unit and even bought a new battery. Still did not charge. Here's all the problem was... the stick had a clog in it near the brush head. Once i cleaned the head... problem solved. Check to see if the unit will hold a charge without attachments on it. If it does... the problem is the attachment is clogged. Don't ask me why it would not charge with a clogged attachment, but so is the case.

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Bewertung 7

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Just found the blockage in mine after trying for days to charge it! THANKS!


Mine wasn’t staying charged either. Had a look and sure enough there was fluff up the pipe. Thank you.


Thanks for sharing the solution! You saved me from not having my stick vac while waiting out COVID-19. Can you imagine the horror. I think this "internet" thing might actually prove useful.


I have a Dyson V7 Motorhead. It will not hold charge. I replaced with a new battery, same problem. Blue light when its plugged in and the motor runs for 2 seconds then cuts out. I am at a loss. Dyson will not answer calls or e-mails - HELP!!


mine was a blockage in the filter, brought & changed the battery nothing. cleaned the filter all now works fine!!!!


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This worked for me.

Can You Reset A Dyson Battery?

Yes, it is possible to reset your Dyson battery. That is usually done as a troubleshooting step when the vacuum doesn’t run, even when the battery is charged, and you’re pulling the trigger.

To reset your Dyson battery, you’ll have to:

  1. Unplug the charger from the wall.
  2. Plug the charger back in again.
  3. Connect the charger to the Dyson vacuum.
  4. Pull the trigger and hold for 20 seconds, even though the vacuum doesn’t turn on.
  5. Let go of the trigger. Remove the charger from the vacuum and continue using it like normal.

This combination of steps will reset the battery and get your Dyson vacuum running normally again.

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worked for me.

Thanks Clair


Worked for me I think! Now it certainly powers up even though it was dead. But now waiting for the filter to dry before I can test properly and see for how long it lasts as I tried washing that out first!! I called Dyson and it’s £65 for a new battery so I’m hoping it works. Although mine is 6years old but I think it’s the second battery as one was replaced on the warranty.

If not has any one had success buying a cheaper replacement from Amazon??


Frustrated with Dyson. On 2nd battery already. 1st battery died after almost 2 years. Bought a Tyneco stick vacuum. Came with spare battery which you simply slide out and slide in. the wall mount charger has a slot to charge the spare battery as well as the main unit. Now I can vacuum my whole house (2 storey, 7 bedroom) in one go if I want to! So far, after 18months, Tyneco is quieter, cleans better on hard floors and mats & is soooo much easier to clean. It is slightly heavier than the Dyson but not too much of and issue for me.

I'm now facing a potential new battery again.

Am I willing to spend $119 from Dyson? NO! Definitely not worth it.

I would also like to know how the $50 batteries advertised online compare.

Meanwhile, my faithful old electrolux barrel cleaner of 45 years is out and still running brilliantly for the downstairs areas or I'll go and fetch the Tyneco from upstairs.


The reset worked! Many thanks! Tip: Make sure your vacuum is not set to Max Suction. 😏


This worked for my V8 Absolute


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This worked for me: Clean it thoroughly (videos on youtube) and then, unplug it with the vacuum out. Plug back in. Replace vacuum. Hold down the "go/ vacuum/start" button for 20 seconds. This reset gave my vacuum new life!

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Mine isn’t running for very long at all. I cleaned out everything that I know how to clean. Trying to get to the ‘hepa’ filter But not able to get it open. In the very back Of the unit... There’s a screw bit it wont twist off to get to the filter? Anybody?


I just replaced the battery for my Dyson V6 Motorhead. I did not purchase the battery directly from Dyson and noticed that it is not charging. I have had so many issues with this vacuum and will never purchase a Dyson again!!


This is brilliant. It worked for me too. After dismantling my dc58 and cleaning, it would not charge properly or stay on for longer than 5 seconds. I tried the above instructions regarding resetting the battery and it worked - had to quickly turn off the max power button though as that was stopping it from working


Me too! Woohoo!


the one most important thing i saw was do not put it on max because i was getting the cutting off also, until i read further down in the comments and saw that little tidbit. it worked perfectly/

to whomever suggested that, thank you


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Plug in, hold the trigger for 20 seconds to either discharge or reset the circuit on the batter. Remove it from the charger, and then put it back to charger. Let it charge and It will hold charge again.

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Thanks! That is what helped me back when I posted in March, I think you had posted for someone else. Thanks!!!


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My D6 battery light quit working but the battery was 3 years old - I got a new battery and it would work (came changed) but the charger LEDs would not light. Turns out the cord got pinched behind the bracket. I redid the layout and it started working but the old battery would not light up all day on the charger so it is just dead. The new D6 also will shutoff after it is running for a while but not a lot. I found some dust matting in the brush head so I think that was a warning sign to clean it. Have to take a flat screwdriver and twist the grey button about 1/4 turn to unlock/remove the plate on the brush head to get at the clog.

My first Dyson still cuts out so much it is really unusable. The adapter barrel and the battery are slight different that the newer D6 I got so are not interchangeable. Sigh...

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Thank y’all so much!!! The battery reset fix worked for me. Just held the power button down for 20sec with the vacuum plugged into the power cord and now my battery works as normal again. Internet for the win!!!!

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Tried a battery reset by unplugging and holding for 20 seconds -blue light flashes for 10 seconds and then stops . No life in battery after that process. It is only 1 year old . Any ideas ?


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On my Dyson, charging was not working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with or without using the wall mount. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.

There was a little fluffy insulating material debris in the receptacle. I got this out, but the backoff is still required. I wonder if the debris was the remains of a disintegrated standoff?

I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle.

Alternatively, I could put a very short insulating standoff around the plug, to shorten the insertion length, which would be easier to manage.

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The reset has worked for me too. Why is it not covered on Dyson’s own site.

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