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A simple point-and-shoot digital camera with LCD by Canon.

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battery leaked, fixed not working properly

I left batteries in my A570.  They corroded.  I have cleaned the cavity and contacts and installed new batteries.  the camera opens but I cannot take pictures.  it seems to default to a screen to enter date/time etc.  none of which I can get to work either.  any suggestions?

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Hi @wheeling ,

The battery acid may have leaked through the battery compartment and affected components nearby.

You’ll have to disassemble the camera and see if this may be the problem.

As I was unable to find a teardown guide or video online for a Canon PowerShot A570, here’s a link to the ifixit Canon PowerShot A540 guide. Hopefully it is a close enough model to be of some help.

If you do find evidence of corrosion etc, try gently cleaning it off using a Q-Tip and Isopropyl Alcohol 90%+ (available at most electronics supply stores). If you can avoid it do not use rubbing alcohol, as this is usually only 70%IPA or less, can contain scents and is therefore not as effective in clearing away corrosion.

If you find this too daunting, contact a reputable, professional camera repair service and ask for a quote to repair the camera

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Thank you.

can you recommend a source for a refurbished unit.  I would donate or trade mine for that.  I can send pictures of the camera.

thank you.


Hi @wheeling ,

Places such as Ebay etc are usually a good source of used and refurbished devices. Obviously use your own judgement regarding buying from a particular seller etc. if you decide to take this option.

I don't know about donating it but if you decide to get another A570 you could try dismantling yours and check if you can see the problem.

You could always then Dare To Repair: How To Create a Guide for the teardown procedure which may help others who may have suffered the same predicament. ;-)


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