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Das Apple iPhone 5s wurde am 10. September 2013 angekündigt. Die Reparatur dieses Geräts ist ähnlich wie bei den Vorgängermodellen und erfordert Schraubendreher und Hebelwerkzeuge. Verfügbar mit GSM oder CDMA mit 16, 32 oder 64 GB in silber, gold und space grau.

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How can I fix my phone?

I need help! Last night i accidentally dropped my phone and my whole screen cracked, it was a really bad crack then this morning my phone fell into the dish sink full of water. I took my phone out fast and i took it out it was on then it started making weird lines on the screen and it just turned off. I tried to turn it on and nothing happened. I can hear the water inside my phone likes its really bad. I put it in rice but i have feeling that will not help

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Hi Becky, that’s quite a series of unfortunate events. The lines in the LCD and it turning off after being dropped in water is not good. There is a chance the battery just shorted and that’s all it needs, but sounds to me like the LCD went out and the logic board shorted out in which case the phone is dead. Best thing you can do when a phone drops in water is turn it off (remove battery if possible) and take it to a repair shop immediately so it can be dried out. Rice does the same as leaving it out in the open.

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