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A1418 / EMC 3069 / 2017 / 3,0 GHz Quad-Core i5, 3,4 GHz Quad-Core i5 oder 3,6 GHz Quad-Core i7 Prozessor. Erscheinungsdatum: 8. Juni 2017.

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iMac 21.5" 4K display not recognized?

I am trying to replace a cracked screen on my 2017 iMac 21.5" 4K. The cracked screen worked perfectly—minus the crack. External displays from the Thunderbolt (miniDisplayPort) is working normally.

The replacement display arrived, but it wouldn’t power on. After some testing, I figured out that the new display had some issue powering the backlight, or the new display had a bad backlight.

I went back and forth between the new display and the cracked display several times. Each time trying various combinations of PRAM and SMC resets.

No dice.

Now here’s the stinger: now the cracked display isn’t powering up either—but the external monitor still works normally.

So here’s my question: do you experts think the culprit is most likely the Display Port Cable getting worn out from my constant plugging and unplugging? Or is it more likely I’ve damaged the Logic Board?

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first off i am no expert just a guy who wants to help so dont be supprised if what im saying doesn’t help but here goes. i would suggest to try and locate the PCB for the display and see if either display might have shorted it. if there is no of this then most likely the ribbon connector that is at fault considering an external display still works and considering that a replacement ribbon connector is a whole lot cheaper than a logic board replacement. if nothing works just look and see if there is anything which looks like it doesn’t belong and you might find something.

good luck


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Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. The replacement ribbon connector will arrive today, so I guess we'll see if that's it. If not, back to square one...


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