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The Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS is an entry level DSLR with a 10.1 MP sensor released on the 10th of June 2008. Also known as the EOS 1000D and the EOS Kiss F.

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Why won’t my lens auto focus?

My 18-55mm lens won’t auto focus and won’t take an accurate meter reading. My telephoto lens works fine. Bought a new 18-55 and doesn’t work, either! In the camera instead of the lens?

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Gewählte Lösung

I’m not familiar with this camera, but on compact digitals there is usually a focusing lens immediately in fromt of the sensor. This is moved up and down by a leadscrew driven by a motor. In one case I saw (a heavily used Canon SX200IS Canon PowerShot SX200 IS Lens Disassembly) the thread was worn out on a brass insert in the focusing lens carrier, making it impossible to focus

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