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Republic of Gaming laptop released in 2015 . The GL551J has a GeForce GTX 860M video card and a 15.6" Full HD 1080p display.

18 Fragen Alle anzeigen

How can I replace the SSD-drive

My SSD-drive just stopped working - and is most of the time not visible in the BIOS-SATA conf. How can I replace it?

Update (08/09/2019)

The G551JX has 2 harddrives. The 1 TB HD shown in the video, but I am having trouble replacing the 128 GB SSD in the laptop. I have dismounted the HDD as show above, and ran a utility, that shows me there is still the 128 GB SSD left, so it is not a hybrid disk

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Here’s how to replace the hard drive:

Asus ROG GL551J Hard Drive Replacement

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Found this


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