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The Fitbit Alta smart wearable by Fitbit was released in 2016. It features a tap-activated display screen that is slightly smaller and thinner than comparable models.

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How to replace the battery

So a similar problem has been posted under FitBit Alta, but the solutions presented are simply to contact Fitbit and see if they can fix it or replace it. If your warranty is passed, they will not do either, but they will offer 25% off future purchases for a replacement. Cue the same thing happening in 3 years.

I would like to know if it is possible to replace the battery altogether. It breaks my heart to send one more thing to the landfill, and I would like to shove it to such a huge waste creating company because, honestly, why bother spending more money?

On a Fitbit forum, there was mention of melting the glue around the screen and lifting it off and replacing the battery. Does that even make sense?

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FitBit wants you to buy a new one every 2-3 years. But here’s how to change the battery:


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