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Veröffentlicht am 16. September 2016. Modelbezeichnung 1660, 1778. Verfügbar in den Versionen: GSM oder CDMA / 32, 128 oder 256GB / Rosé Gold, Gold, Silber, Mattschwarz oder Hochglanz-Schwarz

45 Fragen Alle anzeigen

What does this screen mean?

When i enter restore mode, i get this screen, but it should be a itunes logo! What should i do? When i go to dfu mode, nothing happens…

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They stopped using the iTunes logo because iTunes got removed in Mac OS Catalina. Plug it into a computer and it’ll be fine

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But computer does not see this iphone. It sees my other iphone 7 with the same cable..


Make sure the charging port works properly and doesn't have dirt in it


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