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The Samsung Galaxy Camera is a point and shoot camera that uses the Android operating system. The camera features 21x optical zoom and a 16 Megapixel sensor, as well as Wi-Fi, GPS and cellular connectivity.

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pictures during daytime are reddish

my camera captures reddish photos and videos during daytime no matter the settings but at night, shots are clear and vivid.

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1 Antwort

Mark Salvador this sounds like your camera has an issue with the UV filter. It usually sites by the CMOS sensor. You could try and follow this guide Samsung Galaxy Camera Lens or Motherboard Replacement to check on that, but you will have to disassemble your lens to get to it.

Update (02/13/2020)

I would expect it to be where 2-6 is

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@oldturkey03 , is there a way i could repair or replace just the UV filter?....if so, are there available replacements?....thanks bro.


@Mark Salvador possibly. you would have to take it apart and see if it is by the sensor. If so there might be a chance to replace it.


@oldturkey03 ...thanks bro!...you're the bird, er i mean the man!


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