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Vorgestellt am 16. September 2016. Modelle A1661, A1784 und A1785. Verfügbar mit 32, 128 oder 256 GB internem Speicher in den Farben Rose-Gold, Gold, Silber, Schwarz, Diamantschwarz und Rot.

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Smudge on iPhone screen Help!

So I restored a iPhone 7 plus, and decided to clean the back with 91% Isopropyl alcohol and it ended up going on the screen. Then I noticed their is a smudge that is brighter than the rest of the screen. I took the screen off and the heat plate and put the screen in a bag of oats to dry since I don’t have rice.


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Don’t bother with rice or anything like it. Try put it somewhere warm and well ventilated and see if it fixes it but normally liquid marks in screens are very difficult to remove and you might need a new screen.

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Update: Left it in the a bull with the oatmeal and the smudge looks like its halfway gone


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I would recommend replacing the screen. It is very difficult to remove liquid damage of any kind. Very sorry to hear that!

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