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Veröffentlicht am 16. September 2016. Modelbezeichnung 1660, 1778. Verfügbar in den Versionen: GSM oder CDMA / 32, 128 oder 256GB / Rosé Gold, Gold, Silber, Mattschwarz oder Hochglanz-Schwarz

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burnt my balls off

Hello engineers I’m a newbie with a simple question for you. I am trying to learn how to micro-solder and was practicing on an i-phone 7 logic board, attempting to remove the audio i.c. Probably too complicated for training, but after i finally got the i.c. off I noticed several of the balls on what I guess would be the base were missing. They looked silver as opposed to the copper colored ones on the i.c. I tried to apply solder thinking the solder would be attracted to the spot where it should go but no luck

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The iPhone 7 audio IC has a few NC pads that usually come off with the chip. These are not required and are not connected to any circuit that is why they come off. Check the ones that came off are not NC pads.

Block Image

Blue pads are NC

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Great info, thanks again


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that is called ripped pads on the motherboard, and its bad, if you have schematics, you can check what the damaged pads are for. maybe you can bridge them. you have to practice more, since this happens when you don’t use the correct amount of air/heat/flux. this all depends on the calibration and brand of your hot air station. keep practicing

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Thanks so much and after doing lots of research and thinking about it I discovered one mistake that hasnt been helping me. I bought a cheaper chinese hot air station, Zeny 832D which is ok for me now, but I have been setting the temps for farenheit but my station is set for celcius so my temps havent been correct


Awesome, I didnt know that, how would I know the difference tho?


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