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Successor to the PowerShot G7 X, the Mark II was released as Canon's flagship model in 2016.

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camera says "memory card locked"

My memory card has the switch in correct position as i can view pictures on a computer and on the camera screen, however it says Memory card locked the whole time and wont let me take pictures because of this? please help - Thank you. Lollu

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Hi! Have you solved this problem?


on the sd card there is a lock switch if it is down flick it up and it should work because i have had this problem before


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If the lock switch is in the open position, it usually means the flash is in a permanent read-only state. When the lifetime of the flash is close to being used up, this is a safety feature to preserve the data as reading doesn't do much harm to the card, if any at all. They allow this as a means to move the data, at most. Be glad it acted this way, since a lot of cheap cards which do not self lock tend to fail and take out whatever is on the card. Having to buy a card on short notice is far from ideal sure but I want a chance to save what's on it.

If you want to try and see if it can be fixed, backup the card to a PC, and then format it in the camera and see. In most cases, the flash is end of life and it will fail as it's a firmware level lock.

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There is manual lock option on Memory card used in Camera; please see the picture and try to solve the issue.

Block Image

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