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Repair guides and support for the 5th generation Honda Accord coupe, sedan, and wagon.

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New battery but no power.

I put a new battery in. Started it and drove it a few miles to the store. All good. Returned to the car and no power. Nothing, nada. No lights, no horn no click when I turn the key. Took the battery out and had it tested. Just purchased that morning. Tested great. Thinking possibly a relay or master fuse ( if there is one). Just don't know. Any help appreciated.

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@Billy Simmons ...a battery can test great but have to be recharged. this sounds like an alternator issue not recharging the freshly charged battery that you had just installed.

if it were a fuse, you wouldnt have had your car start after the new battery was installed. a fuse either lets current flow or it doesnt. It could be a faulty/sticking relay, only if the battery tested after had a full charge still.... but not sure.

Ive only had a few car issues so experience is limited. i will concede to any other diagnosis given here.


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Here’s some images from the 1995 Honda Accord Coupe Service & Repair Manual Electrical (including SRS) section that shows the ignition circuit. (couldn’t find for a sedan but suspect that the coupe would be the same).

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

Initially check that the fuses are OK and also the ignition key circuits by checking for voltage at the ignition coil, and also as shown in the image, when the key is operated.

Hopefully a start.

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Does the battery cables make a spark when you are connecting them. If not you may have a bad ground wire or power cable running to alternator or starter. If it does have a little spark it's probably your ignition switch. Check all fuses first. Sometimes its that simple.

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It is more then likely a radio/Bluetooth interfering with ur electrical or the ECU I coded and corrupt!!!

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What could I do to still have radio that’s what was wrong with mine


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