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Vorgestellt am 16. September 2016. Modelle A1661, A1784 und A1785. Verfügbar mit 32, 128 oder 256 GB internem Speicher in den Farben Rose-Gold, Gold, Silber, Schwarz, Diamantschwarz und Rot.

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Front camera not working

Hi, I have few iphones 7+ with no front camera. They have short to ground on PP1V2_NH_NV_DVDD wich is connected straight to main power IC. Is there any way to repair this without replacing the IC?

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I have never seen that line shorted before. There are a couple of caps between there and the PMU. You could of course remove the filter and jump that voltage if you can find it nearby.

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desconnect portrait camera , short will Disappear

افصل كاميرا البورتريه

هيا المسببه للشورت

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