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Third generation of the Fitbit Charge fitness tracker series.

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Fitbit Charge 3 charging pinout?

I was looking for the pinout earlier and nobody on the internet had the answer...

I ended up buying a charger clip and promised myself to post the pinout to help anyone who needs to charge it without the clip.

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Block Image

From left to right:

  • +5V
  • not in use
  • GND

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Appears that this info is also correct for the Fitbit Charge 4 as well.


I brought Fitbit charge 3 band for less than $1 at scrap store. Thank you for the information, i needed it finally, now I will hack into it

And add new battery and charge without the clip...


Also worked on a Fitbit Inspire 2, which looks similar on the underside. 5V (red) on the left contact, GND (black) on the right, when oriented like the photo.


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