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A1708/EMC 3164 — Veröffentlicht im Juni 2017, behält dieses MacBook Pro Einsteigermodell die traditionelle Funktionstasten bei (im Gegensatz zur OLED Touch Bar).

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MacBook has distorted image, why

Hi, i’m aware of the flexgate problems at the 2016 model, and that similar issues occurs at the 2017 model. Now I have similar issues, but a bit different.

Whats happening, t-con board defective i guess?

Block Image
Block Image
Block Image
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You really should connect an external monitor to verify things. If the externals image is clean then its clearly the internal display.


Hi Dan, thanks for your reply. I forgot to mention that an external screen works fine.


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Then it’s clear! Time for a new display! MacBook Pro 2017 13" mit FN-Tasten Display tauschen and here’s the needed part:

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Thanks Dan. I already worked out that the screen should be replaced. But I was wondering what the cause might be. Worn Flexcable, bad T-con board due to heat?


@JohaNNus - Your T-CON board has failed, likely from heat. It is not a cable issue like the FlexGate that was the backlight power cable that was too short. The cable on the other side is the FaceTime camera. The two inner cables are the screens horz and vert signal feeds to the LCD.

The T-CON board converts the iDP signal from the GPU logic to the discreet horz and vert signal feeds. The clocking within it can get skewed causing a given column or row to bleed to the neighboring row or column.


Thanks Dan, as I already thought.

Unbelievable how bad design this Macbook (2016 and 2017) has.


@JohaNNus - To reduce this from happing again install a good thermal monitoring app like TG Pro make sure to ramp up the fan when you are running something that will push your thermals but before you run it to reduce the systems heat sink thermal load (turbo). In addition make sure your vents are not blocked on the sides and the back by sitting your system on a bed or rug.

If you're set don't forget to score the answer and accept it - Thanks!


Hi Dan, I should install a thermal monitor. Apple should do it. If I wanted to do something myself, I would have build my own laptop :D

This laptop never left my desk and didn't suffer any worn by cary and dust. it's like new.


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Having same issues with my MacBook Pro 2017. Two and half year after purchasing, just right outside of warranty.


Nothing to lose by signing a petition to ask Apple to take responsibility for their poor quality product.

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