Red light with mSATA SSD in Xserve G4

Anyone ever install an mSATA SSD into an older Xserve? I have an Xserve G4 Slot loading. The SSD is an SK hynix SC210 mSATA 256GB. I'm using an mSATA to 2.5 ATA/IDE case, and a 2.5 to 3.5 ATA/IDE adaptor. The SSD works just fine in my PowerMac G4 Quicksilver (can only see 128GB internally, but full 256GB via Firewire) and via a ATA/IDE to USB adaptor on my Mac Pro. Swapping in a normal 2.5" HDD into the Xserve via the adaptor works as well. So it's something with the SSD and/or ATA/IDE case that's showing it off.

The case is set for Master by default (no pins), I used a jumper to set it to Cable Select, but that didn't help. I could try Slave, but I would think Master is the correct setting anyway.

The drive bay has a red light, and Disk Utility doesn't see anything.


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