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The Electribe SX is an electronic music production sampler by Korg released in 2003.

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Whilst putting in the adapter. He stays dead. No life..

I put the adaptor in and normal on display you see “welcome korg….”

It does nothing anymore, i have send it to some friends with more knowledge, but they dont have a clue..

Maybe its something with the motherboard? I hope not..

Thanks guys i hope you can help me.

Update (09/22/2022)

Here are the fotos of my korg

Block Image
Block Image
Block Image
Block Image
Block Image
Block Image
Block Image

While turning on the korg, display’s light turns on bit no text appears. And not fuctionable

Beantwortet! Antwort anzeigen Ich habe das gleiche Problem

Ist dies eine gute Frage?

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The photos look ok , just in case there are stuff that the photo isn’t showing clearly could you check for any discolouration around the capacitors (long tall cylinders) and bigger chips(grey/black squares)

And also do you have multi metre?



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The best thing we can do at the moment is open it up and upload some photos using this amazing guide

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Upload some photos and il have a look for anything that looks off and then we can try our best to fault find the issue and repair your Korg electribe

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask


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