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Asus ROG G752V is a 16.85 x 13.14 x 2.08 sized, 9.61 lbs gaming laptop manufactured in 2016.

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glitching laptop freezes and reboots

My son dropped my laptop a few weeks ago, which resulted in the laptop glitching, freezing and rebooting randomly during use. Initially I thought I had a GPU issue due to the artifact like images I got as it froze. After further effort trying to diagnose the issue, I confirmed that it only occurred due to pressure being applied by my right hand during use. The problem seems to be hardware related as I used an external keyboard there's no issues and it works perfectly. What can cause this issue and how can it be resolved.

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@mark08 Not exactly sure what symptoms all of this "glitching, freezing and rebooting" include. Since "used an external keyboard there's no issues and it works perfectly" I would suggest that your computer has issues with the keyboard or the keyboard connector. Time to disassemble it and to inspect those things. I would even consider a keyboard replacement Asus ROG G752V Keyboard Replacement

Now, should you find anything odd looking, torn or dislodged, post an image of that with your QUESTION. That way we can see what you see and help you as much as we can. Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen

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Asus ROG G752V Keyboard Replacement



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