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Model numbers JSN-L21 and JSN-L42.

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huawei honor 8x screen change

I entered with the hope of finding a solution for the huawei honor 8x screen change, but I can't access the guide, it says access prohibited... can I access it in any way?

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@josemanuel87453, the guide that was being referenced was for the Honor 8, not the 8X. The author of that answer was of the opinion that they're similar enough that the 8 guide would be good enough to get you through the repair. I don't know what happened to the original guide, but here's the one currently visible on the Honor 8 device page.

Huawei Honor 8 LCD & Digitizer Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

To be fair, it is similar, but since an actual guide for the 8X does exist (unfortunately not on iFixit), you might as well use that.

Manuales / Honor 8X / screen - Nadie Me Llama Gallina

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Display chalu he par open nhi ho rhi he

Translation from hindi: “display is on but not opening”

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How to change the honor 8x broken display in malayalam

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