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Nintendo’s first major revision of the 3DS released to Japan in October of 2014 and to North America in September of 2015. The 2015 3DS introduces improved 3D capabilities, a C-Stick, new internal amiibo support, and a new set of trigger buttons.

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Blue light stays on, no screen causes and troubleshooting

Hello i recently bought this new 3ds with a known blue light stays on, no screen output issue. After taking it apart i have several questions regarding troubleshooting and parts to inspect. I find that the documentation for troubleshooting the new 3ds non XL is almost non existant. I've found several issues:

  • The microphone cable is torn


Block Image
  • A cable appears loose in a to me unknown connector


Block Image
  • The SD card slot screw is stripped


Block Image
  • The top screen connector seems to have a bent pin


Block Image

What I am wondering is:

  1. If the microphone is needed for the console to turn on or if I can ignore it.
  2. What is the function of the loose looking cable and does its connector have a name so I can find out how to open the connector and reseat the cable
  3. If there are any good ways to remove tiny stripped screws (tried most common household tricks rubberband, other bits) or if it is looking doomed where I can find the plastic housing for the SD card so I can destroy the current one and buy a new one. I've tried googling and checking Aliexpress to no avail.
  4. Could this bent pin be responsible for the top ribbon not making full contact and the console not starting because of it?
  5. If none of these what are the most common reasons for blue light no screen (ps i have tried reseating the wifi cable)

The issue with my new 3DS console is that most online resources are tailored to other variants of the 3DS lineup. So, I'm feeling lost and can't seem to find others with the same problem with this specific console.

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Tried bending the pin from 4.

It snapped instead of bending



I posted an anwser but it doesn't seem to show up, so here's the short version: the ribbon on picture 4 isn't the top LCD ribbon but the camera ribbon. Try disconnecting it and booting your console, it isn't needed to boot but it can cause black screen issues if there's something wrong with it.


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  1. It might be, but I'd probably deal with 2 and 4 first
  2. ZIF connector. Flip up the black tab, insert the cable, and flip the tab back down. Not sure what the cable does
  3. That screw is in pretty pitiful shape. Check out this guide. If none of that works, you can probably find someone to 3d print a new cover
  4. That... is not good. Any chance you can bend it back into place? It definitely could be the main issue here.
  5. No idea, sorry

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I tried number 4 and the pin did not want to bend and snapped off instead. Now i'm looking at replacements connectors on aliexpress.

My main worry now is that there is a similar plastic connector on the other side of the PCB and that it might get damaged when i try to remove this one.


@unitop You'll have to find someone with microsoldering experience to ask about that. Sadly, that's not me


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