Catalytic converter EPA Standard Direct Replacemen
How do I replace my catalytic converter on my 1993 nissan quest with a standard bolt-on Direct Replacemen catalytic converter
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How do I replace my catalytic converter on my 1993 nissan quest with a standard bolt-on Direct Replacemen catalytic converter
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Have you tried just cutting it off completely and running a straight pipe I asked that because that's what I've done with my Volvo 240 wagon that I'm redoing
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@mathildajobson sounds like a good idea (done it years ago myself) for as long as you live in a place, that does not have state smog inspections etc.
@oldturkey03 I know people here who keep bad cats (below 95%) which work alone, no emissions testing. Nobody cares, and it's a known thing we do.
When the mileage is so high the cats total out the car, cut it off or live with the code. The people who cut mufflers off Civics are worse.
I only did it cause I haven't been able to get one for my old car ... It's sounds crazy now but now plugged lol
@oldturkey03 your quest has two "Cats". One right off the manifold and one right after that one. Both are bolted. There is no welding involved since everything bolts together. Now, depending on where you live, you may just need plenty of WD-40 and plenty of elbow grease (or a breaker bar for your sockets) to get the bolts out from the flanges. Those can get pretty rusted and can be a PITA to remove. All you need are the gaskets between the flanges. The flanges will have to mate up. Here is what this all looks like on your Quest
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@justinrodewald what are you referring to with tis "standard bolt-on Direct Replacemen " Like some sort of universal cat? Give us more background on what it is that you are trying to do.
von oldturkey03
Since all I'm doing is bolting it on most part..anything ima need to get from the store to complete the project. Probably some sleeves for the pipes right anything else. I won't need to weld anything right?
von Justin Rodewald