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Various models of General Music digital piano. These are high quality products, well worth spending considerable time and effort repairing.

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Why no bluetooth speaker piano output?

Maybe someone can enlighten me... I play keyboards and am considering buying a new one. Although many newer keyboards feature bluetooth connectivity, that feature seems solely included to allow them to interface with an ipad. A feature I would find much more valuable would be the ability to transmit sound output to remote bluetooth speakers. Why is this feature never provided?

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I'd like bluetooth-to-speaker capability. It would be great not to need cables for gigging.


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I'd guess that bluetooth has about the same range as a set of cables, so kind of pointless because they don't have the sound quality of the built in speakers. But it seems to me that if you can interface with a tablet, it would also work with a bluetooth speaker or earpieces or headset. That would allow you to shut the internal speakers off and practice quietly.

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