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Informationen zur Reparatur und Demontage der tragbaren kabellosen Logitech MX Anywhere 3 Maus. Veröffentlicht im Jahr 2020 und gekennzeichnet durch die Modellnummer 910-005986, 910-005833, 910-005987 oder 910-005985.

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Click is not working

Hello everyone!

Well, I have MX Anywhere 3 and I have now this issue: left side is not clicking. You need a stronger click/click in a precise spot of this side of the mouse to make the click work. I have this product for more than 5 years now. I saw there are some videos about how to fix it at home... and I am a bit afraid buying the tools/paying someone to fix it and then having the issue again...
Do you guys have any tips or instructions that I could follow to solve this problem? Have you faced this problem as well? Is really worth fixing it?

Thank you very much.

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@amandazorzhan "bit afraid buying the tools/paying someone to fix it" first off you are not going to pay anyone. This is ifixit where YOU are empowered to fix it yourself. You can absolutely do it. You know to use this excellent guide Logitech MX Anywhere 3 öffnen and not some shaky youtube video ;-)

Now this "need a stronger click/click in a precise spot" sounds like an issue with the micro switch. It could just be that the plastic is starting to wear a bit. 5 Years is actually a really good life expectancy. Now, once your mouse is apart, take a look at those pieces.

Block Image

If you find that they have worn. Get some nice adhesive and just add some "mass" to it. I commonly use little felt pads from the larger department stores and cut a small piece and glue it on top. Less rigid gives a better mileage :-)

There is a whole community of fixers here that is willing to help you, if needed. No worries, You got this!

Repair is War on Entropy!

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After I reassembled my MX Anywhere 3 mouse, when I turn on the switch, the LED at the back of the mouse wheel only blinks red. I have already tried charging it, but the red LED keeps blinking whether it is charging (with the power switch turned on or off) or not charging (with the power switch turned on). Additionally, the LED on the Bluetooth switch, which has 3 options to connect up to 3 devices, no longer turns on. Does anyone can help me?


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Hi Amanda, I believe the only way is to open it up and clean the button with rubbing/ isopropyl alcohol. One think you could try is using compressed air to clean under the area.

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After I reassembled my MX Anywhere 3 mouse, when I turn on the switch, the LED at the back of the mouse wheel only blinks red. I have already tried charging it, but the red LED keeps blinking whether it is charging (with the power switch turned on or off) or not charging (with the power switch turned on). Additionally, the LED on the Bluetooth switch, which has 3 options to connect up to 3 devices, no longer turns on. Does anyone can help me?


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