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Guides and repair information for washing machines produced by GE, an engineering and technology company in the US.

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GE washer won’t turn on

Hi guys, I’m having a bit of trouble with my GE washing machine (Model wcse4160b1ww). In mid-cycle it died; no power in the machine. Tried all the obvious steps and am stuck. Thank you

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Hi @shingle,

I don't know if it is regarded as being obvious but it looks like there's a wiring diagram, shown folded up in the 1st control panel image you posted above. ;-)

If it is check if it shows where the AC input comes into the machine.

It may be either a control board or a display board issue - looks like a LV power transformer on the control board is used to supply the voltage to operate the various relays and most likely the display board - so you could check if power is getting to the board and the transformer then perhaps there may be a fuse etc on the other side of the board(s).

The mini manual for the washer is GE p/n 31-15484 but I can't find it online- free or otherwise

If you find the problem and it is a faulty part, here's a parts list that is useful as it shows the manufacturer's part number for all the parts. Search online for the part number to find suppliers that suit you best.


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shingle wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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