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A Gaming Laptop Produced by Asus from their ROG Line of products. This page will help you repair/replace parts of your ROG Strix G16 laptop.

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Need schematics of motherboard for g614j

I have an Asus Rog G16 (G614J) and ever since I've bought it, it doesn't work. I've showed it to many repair centres all over my country but one person finally diagnosed it and has almost fixed it. All that's missing now is the schematics or map of it's motherboard. And he can't find it at all. If anyone has it or knows how to find it kindly help out a friend

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Hi @mrwho95482

Here's a link to a boardview file for the motherboard. You have to sign up to the website to download it though so I can't verify whether it is the correct one or even if you have to buy it.

A boardview file will show the designation and location of all the components on the motherboard but may or may not show the component values. It's a .cad file so you will need to have software that can read these types of files.

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Hey thanks a lot for the help but I checked it out and it's paid and I also don't live in the us so I can't buy it

Thanks a lot though


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