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Model A1001 or A1025 / 667, 800, 867, or 1.0 GHz G4 processor

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fans not working freezing all the time

my pb g4 boots fine then freezes after it heats up the fans never spin

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Gewählte Lösung

Using the guide for your machine I would open it, clean it of dust and replace the thermal paste. You must completely remove the thermal paste and replace it following the guide. BE CAREFUL disconnecting components to get at the heat sink! You can tear off or damage the connectors for HD ribbon cables and Fan/temperature indicators very easily.

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PowerBook G4 Titanium DVI Logic Board Bild


PowerBook G4 Titanium DVI Logic Board Replacement



1 hour

Electronics Skills Bild


Wie trage ich Wärmeleitpaste am besten auf



5 - 20 minutes

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