Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln

School: California State University Bakersfield

Major: Spanish

Aspirations: As a current university student I aspire to one day graduate and finish my credentials program, I also hope to become a Spanish teacher in the future.

Skills: Bilingual skills, Microsoft Word experience, and Canva experience.

Repair experience: I have repaired things around my house within the help of parents, but I'm always trying to learn how to repair something that is broken.

Accolades: Associates degree in Art.

Hobbies: I enjoy reading books or spending time with my friends, traveling with family is something that I also enjoy. Watching movies with my sister and cousin on the weekends.

This project relates to me since I am always finding ways to help my parents with something, fixing something in the house would be a good experience especially recording the process.

Another fun fact about me is that I enjoy fashion and being creative with the way I dress, I hope one day I will become more fashionable in the way I dress, I am really hoping to get out of my confort zone more to try new things and experiences.

Lesly Velazquez








Mitglied seit 08/29/23
