No Power
Battery Replacement
If your electric Wahl Razor will not turn on, one problem could be the batter needs to be changed. In order to do this, the back must be unclipped and taken off. The battery is then attached in between two prongs. The battery is then removed and replaced with a Battery Set, 2 "AA" Ni-Cad 2.4. Once installed reattach the back of the shaver and push the power button.
Replace Cord
If your electric Wahl razor has had the battery replaced and still will not turn on, the issue could be with the power cord. Replace the power cord with Wahl Charger 9854L, 9876L. Then attempt the charge and turn on the electric razor.
The Blades are jammed
If there is a jam with the Wahl Razor there could be something caught in the blades at the tip. In this case, the blades should be taken out, checked for hair, and replaced. The tips must be unclipped and removed. Then unscrew the top two screws and the remove the broken blades and replace with the new one. Once the blades are put back in, the tips are reattached and the razor should be good to go.
The blades could possibly be bent. In this case the previous steps would be followed and blades would be replaced. Wahl 1045 Precision Clipper Blade Set
Like the dead motor hairs could be stuck in the blades preventing them to move freely. Use the small brush to wipe away anything near the blades that could prevent it from moving and then apply the oil and try to use them. If nothing happens you must take apart the blades and replace them.
Trimmers Stopped working
Drained/ Dead Battery
If your trimmer won't turn on, especially if it has not been used recently, you may simply have a drained battery. Plug your trimmer into your charger and see if anything happens. Ideally your trimmer will recognize it has been connected to a power source and charge its battery. If it will no longer charge, it must be replaced with a new battery.
Motor is dead
If the motor won’t move you might have just jammed it with small specs of hair. If you use the oil provided with the trimmer it will lube the motor and should solve the problem. If not then you can assume you must replace the motor.
Attachment stuck on the trimmer
If your attachments are stuck on the trimmer it just means you had put them on wrong and should take them off and put them on the right way. They are fairly durable so don’t worry about breaking them, if you do then just purchase a new set.
Blades to Attachment are jammed
If the attachments’ blades are jammed then like the normal blades just apply the oil provided in the kit and use the brush to remove any stray hairs or things that could be preventing the blades to move freely.
The link below will send directly to an online outlet for all Wahl products and accessories.
96 Kommentare
My stainless steel won't turn off. It's stuck on and will only turn off if I plug it in but when I unplug it then it goes back on. Please help.
Google Plus Sucks - Antwort
My stainless steel is doing the exact same thing. It won't turn off. The only way to get it to shut off is to plug in the charger.
truss27 - Antwort
Same thing here...I send a communication to the company...any ideas? Let it die and recharge? Or is the switch defective?
James E O'Brien MD - Antwort
Just purchased my Wahl trimmer yesterday at Costco. I charged it for the first time, turned it on and can't turn it off like others with the same complaint.
Alan Bond - Antwort
same problem. Can't turn it off. Was not able to turn it on either. the model is 9818L.
shannonkim05 - Antwort
Hi! I see you have/had a Wahl 9818L trimmer. I have one too and am trying to order a part for it but the model is not listed on their website! Might you have the book that came with the trimmer? I am hoping to obtain the SKU number for the part I need. Any and all help appreciated, THANKS! My email address is david (dot)
David Permenter -
I don't know that particular unit, but... Some units have a small red plastic plug in the bottom that prevents the unit from turning on during travel type situations. The plug just pulls out and then the nit is good to go. Take a look! Good luck...
David Permenter -
I just used mine and I'm now in the same boat, it won't shut off. Did any of you figure out what the problem ia
jessicanyoka123 - Antwort
Pulled it out of the box and it worked until I turned it off. Now won't turn back on? Kinda a POS
Nick Gould - Antwort
Just purchased the trimmer. charged it up. used once. now won't turn off. Same as all the previous complaints. what gives???
Michael Tymon - Antwort
My Wahl 9818 wont turn on. I charged it and the blue light flashes and wont go off unless I plug the charger in.
John - Antwort
Ok. Mine 9818 turns on, makes the buzzing sound, blades move. Now how to cut hair? Ran it over my beard for 10 minutes. Nothing. Only a few small snippets . Tried no combs on my arm. No hear cut... Took blades off a few times thinking they weren't seated right... I give up..
paul - Antwort
Everyone!!!! Just plug tour trimmer in and it will stop. Then, don't run it under water while it's ON, ever again. ☺
Justin Lynn - Antwort
Exactly the same as everyone else. 9818, turns on and won't turn off.
Read somewhere that it happens when moisture gets into the unit. Mine had not been in water directly but must have residual moisture. Put the trimmer in the cool spring sun for about 2 hours and all seems to be back to normal again.
Seems the trick is to dry it out completely. Hope this helps someone out there.
Dan Carson - Antwort
Model 9818 will not turn off. Very, very disappointed with Wahl.
Michel Roubaix - Antwort
A spring has fallen out whilst cleaning the blade, now hubby has no idea where it goes. HELP !!!!!!! Please !!!!
Gail - Antwort
Hi Gail, same thing happened to my son's trimmer. The spring goes right into the center hole standing up vertically. It should drop right in. It makes sense because the blades need to spring up and down over facial contours. Joan
Joan Plander -
While cleaning my mod.9855 trimmer I find there are no instructions to reassemble correctly.Is there a schematic available on line showing proper procedure.
tahoe Don -Oct8
Donald Beaton -
How to refix spring?????
syedshakereng - Antwort
I bought my clipper set maybe six months ago and it worked very nicely. Now it hardly cuts at all with the attachments on, and why would I want to use the clippers without them? Can anyone say 'hack job'? It only works if I hold the fur up to a bared set of blades, NOT good technique at all. I keep the blade oiled and I just tried sharpening and aligning the blades per video instruction. Nada. I have to make 20 swipes to clear a 4" area of HALF the fur. WTH is always going wrong with clippers?! Why can't they ever just cut like a hot knife through butter all the time? This is barely half a dozen uses for two dogs so yes, I am mighty steamed over it.
Jenn Cunningham - Antwort
How to removing of battery and we don't know about battery exchange plz reply
Channa - Antwort
Bought for my husband and doesn't shut off unless plugged in? Is this how it is suppose to work? Has anyone heard anything from company?
kathleen lappin - Antwort
in the port where you plug in the charger, there is two prongs, and one of them is stuck in the charger so they won't charge, help!!
padgesilk - Antwort
Really confused that so many have my problem that it wont turn off and received no reply on how to fix the f*%cken problem.
dazz - Antwort
Same issue with the power button doing weird things, and this is the second one I buy. I opened the thing up to see if I could add hot glue or grease to prevent water from causing trouble. The issue is not just the button, once I completely disassembled this thing, I found out that just by touching the pads where the button/LED pcb is soldered to the main pcb, the thing can turn on/off by itself. This likely means a floating pin that detects the switch or some other bad design issue (call the company and get a refund). I could spend some time reverse engineering the circuit, but since I have designed stuff like this before, it would be a LOT easier/faster/better for me to redesign the PCB from scratch (and maybe add some features!). So... stay tuned... I might decide to spiffy it up and fix this.
if anyone is interested, send me an email to, would be nice to hear what people think and what features might be cool to add (Bluetooth anyone??)
Jerry - Antwort
same issue won't turn off
nick Flutter - Antwort
Most of the time it is a moisture issue. Tap water is a very poor conductor of electricity, add soap and it becomes an excellent one. WD-40 displaces (gets rid of it) moisture. It won't hurt anything and should help with any blade lubrication issues you may have (lack of oil on the blades). #1 phillips screwdriver and a can of WD, use the straw. Apply liberally, wipe down excess from the exterior and enjoy your trimmer. Hands down the best trimmer I have ever had. Keep the thing dry it's not designed to be used underwater goof!
Cf steed -
Just ordered branded new hero trimmers, took them out of the box, plugged them in, and they won't turn on. I've taken them apart to see if anything was stuck, I tried oiling them...nothing helps. They haven't even been out of the box for 20 minutes and have not even touched any hair.
jonny_be_good10 - Antwort
Just bought the trimmer
Attachment can not be dislodged
I put them right and it can be adjusted very well but not removed
Ezzeldin Sakr - Antwort
I need instructions on replacing the power cord on the Wahl razor edger trimmers
Gregory Bankston - Antwort
No power in the charger
the light is off I trying to find out
but nothing change
Asif - Antwort
No power in the charger
i try to find out but the light is off never on
Asif - Antwort
Is there a way to adjust the blades of the Wahl beard trimmer model no 9639
Irvine Ndjavera - Antwort
Is there a way to adjust the blades of the Wahl beard trimmer model no 9639 for a dinner trim
Irvine Ndjavera - Antwort
My chromabo clippers keeps beeping on charger and it not charged help please
Dorothy Blue - Antwort
My chromabo clippers beep while charging and it is not charged please
Dorothy Blue - Antwort
I just tried to use my Wahl electric hair clippers (which has no battery) and there was a POP… it didn’t break the Ground Fault circuit, but it won’t even turn on anymore.
Is there an internal reset switch? It doesn’t smell of smoke and it didn’t get hot, it just POPPED and died.
This is only the second time I’ve tried to use it!
h.bean - Antwort
Trimmer blades are getting stuck and pulling my hair. Have replaced it 6 times and bought three new units with the same result and no-one in the store can tell me what the !&&* is causing it. Keep the blades clean, brush and oil the blades, any knowledge would be appreciated to stop it from happening.
liquidnightrogen - Antwort
My stainless trimmers light wont shut off. Is on constantly on or off.
Keith Herron - Antwort
My stainless trimmers light will not turn off ever.
Keith Herron - Antwort
Just bought a trimmer, put it straight on charge and noticed that the pin on the power cord does not go all the way in to the charge hole, is this normal???
andywish31 - Antwort
I accidentally pushed down the metal guide without a blade attached and don’t know how to pop it back up
Joy Hicks - Antwort
I was traveling ant the blade was in 4 pieces tried to puzzle ot together but still cant figure it out. Annoying lol. Can ya do a video. On blade assembly wahl # 9818L
h7ayala - Antwort
9818L Stainless steel trimmer was working fine then I plugged it in to recharge and the blue light went on and then off a few seconds later now its dead and I can’t charge it or turn it on it does nothing. For an expensive unit this thing seems like a POS. John
John Biasi - Antwort
I made a video tutorial on how to take apart and sharpen the T blade for my Wahl lithium ion cordless trimmers. I will be uploading it on YouTube tomorrow.. It worked great now to see if I can get the attachments to go on the bigger T blade that's available for the Wahl detailers so I can have that blade for my trimmers too. I also just sharpened my Wahl T-pros which are the cheaper version of the Wahl detailers and now that I did that they cut 10 times better and that's no lie!!!!
Vito - Antwort
plug charger to trimmer turns and then shuts off makes no contactwont stay on
antonio - Antwort
use a razor blade to pop off the power button. It will expose the inside button that powers on the unit, its a little rectangle button. you can manually turn it on and off. this wont help any charging problems but it did allow me to turn it off and on
sirwankalot - Antwort
Just replaced battery on chromestyle now light don’t light up ?
L Minto - Antwort
I dropped my wahl trimmer Model #9818 into water briefly and now it won’t work or charge. Any suggestions?
Daniel Esposito - Antwort
There is power going into machine but the blades are not moving. I have cleaned the clippers of hair. Please help.
Anne Osborne - Antwort
My walh bavura lithium is working but when i go to trim it makes a loud buzzing noise qnd wont trim that well at all. I recently cleaned it with compressed air blowing out the old hair. Help
Holly i March - Antwort
how do you get the removable balde , which i toook off to clean, back on the trimmer
gerard bramhill - Antwort
Cant put on wire that holds the tension on the blade. Model 5537n
Joel Pulido - Antwort
I have a brand new Homepro Basic corded hair clipper. I have just opened the box plugged in and nothing has happen, tried adjusting the power but nothing has happened, no buzz or anything just useless. It was a gift from my daughter so don’t want to embarrass her to say it’s not working.
Peter Jackson
Peter - Antwort
Can I expect an answer from the manufacturer or is it just other people’s answers. This is dreadful.
Peter - Antwort
when the trimmer sits in the charger the led is amber, not green as it should be…any ideas of what might be the reason for this?
aaa - Antwort
When I attach blade,it won't turn on
tomcatbluedaze - Antwort
I have the Wahl Beret and the blade is loose. Is there any way to tighten it?
Bama Babe - Antwort
brand new out of the box, new batteries, loud as all get out, tried to cut my hair and it won’t cut. inside blade is moving but the hair is not making it past the outer blade. brand new. glad it only cost 13 dollars. Am going out tomorrow to look for another.
john brown - Antwort
Mine is beeping, whether I’m charging or not. Any help would be appreciated.
reedley51 - Antwort
I have Wahl detailer trimmers not long after I bought them they wouldn't hold a charge unless the cord was plugged in and they are cordless, soon as I plug it up it let's me know it has a full charge, then a few minutes after running it the trimmers completely die after just reading fully charged, i only used them 3 months before they started doing it
Samantha Richmond - Antwort
I can’t even turn it on! Lol. Brand new out of the box. Charged for 12+ hrs. This morning. Nothing!
seancarleo73 - Antwort
Not working at all.
Abayomi Omotoso - Antwort
1. When I plug in my clippers, they just vibrate very faintly and wouldn't cut at all. Model: VC2
2. My trimmers stopped working too. I changed to new batteries but still no response. Just like dead. Model: 5537N.
Abayomi Omotoso - Antwort
I have 1 last me 2 1/2 years but now when I charge it it only last for a minute then it dead leave it for a minute it goes again then it's dead again
colletteneedham4 - Antwort
my whal super groom clippers work ok but when turned off the lights stay on and drain the battery,
tina_kirk - Antwort
My detailer won't turn on. It works when sitting on charger but is completely dead when I take it off? Any ideas?
Mike Simpson - Antwort
I dropped my ac trimmer and the power button isn’t really broken, but it fell out of place and there’s this tiny metal ball and metal piece that fell out when I opened it. I tried to figure it out and fix it but I just don’t know what I’m doing…
Julian christie - Antwort
The charge light stays red even after a night on charge
Nigel Miller - Antwort
My wahl face trimmer device will not cut. It’s pretty much brand new. I’ve hardly used it. The nose trimmer works but the other attachment doesn’t work anymore. I’ve used it a handful of times and I only got it a month ago max. New battery, i don’t think it’s clogged with hair or anything.
Spencersonic - Antwort
Replaced the batteries in my wahl magic clips. All three pair have jus stopped working. There not even a year old yet.
Billy Webster - Antwort
My trimmer is stuck on too wth is going on?
John Dory - Antwort
My power adjustment screw is missing and I can't find the size nor a replacement anywhere.
Floxy Puffin - Antwort
my trimmer doesn’t work with the blade attachment. if i remove it then it works
Joe Higashi - Antwort
Bought mine brand new and it won't even turn on. Waste of money.
James Space - Antwort
Had to repair a 9818 which wouldn’t turn on or charge - blue light blinked once, then stayed on.
Battery was dead, couldn’t find a 14650 so used a 14500. Still wouldn’t charge. On the battery management board there is a 10 Ohm SMD resistor which had gone open circuit. Replaced it, unit now working.
Selwyn Andrews - Antwort
Won't charge. Used 2x. Model 9685
Becky Swope - Antwort
My WAHL Trimmers Face & Body Hair Remover only works with heads I don't use. The main head which I only used once will not operate. I'm trying to fully charge it even though it has charge for other heads. I have had the same problem with a previous trimmer of yours that I purchased. Can you advise.
georgia.rodd - Antwort
My brand-new rechargeable trimmer will not turn on. Not even once. Any ideas?
blanchettem - Antwort
I have the Wahl Finale Lithium - ion it was working , I took off head to check , put it back on & now it doesnt cut. Annoying as they are brand new purchased at Hair Expo a couple of weeks ago
Louise Chapman - Antwort
Trimmer gets very hot and blades are cutting skin.
foobaby_dgff - Antwort
Wow, 2022 here…so my issue is with the whal magic clip, I used the wrong type of charger and I think I caused an electrical short. Where would I go, in clipper, to fix a short ?
rivera79720 - Antwort
cant get blades attached back to trimmer
phyllis drummond - Antwort
I have a small hand held Wahl trimmer,I cleaned the blades and now it isn't working ? Do I need to use a special battery for these?
It will not turn on.
gardenwiz127 - Antwort
I seemed to take my battery out of the stainless steel sleeve (take out the little screw at the bottom) cleaned it out, put it back together and voila! Try taking apart the blades and cleaning them as well if this doesn't seem to work.
Skylar Smith - Antwort
I held the power button down while plugging in, charged for 4-6 hrs and it solved it for me
justin d - Antwort
our new Wahl razor - bought for Christmas - lights up when plugged in,,but doesnt work...any suggestions
georbarb - Antwort
new Wahl razor for Christma.s - already doesn't work...lights up when plugged in, that's it
georbarb - Antwort
I bought my clippers in April of 2023 and barely tried using them today for the first time 6/9/23 only to be disappointed because they keep turning off.
At a loss, not sure if Wahl send me a different one if i can prove purchase?
Aracely Robles - Antwort
Not charging. It says charged to 2.5 but don’t work. What’s the problem?
Jackie Payne - Antwort
Does anybody know if the yellow beard trimmer rechargeable 5598–2301 trimmers have an indicator light for charging if you do where it’s at mine does not seem to have one.
Kevyn Kirkland - Antwort
I have a Wahl Chrome Cut kit. No power out of the box. Anyway to fix it?
Jim Charchan - Antwort
I used the razor and it was fine then hooked it to a charger cord for a few hours and now it will not run. Why?
Trena - Antwort
I just bought it. I used it one time and now it will not turn on.
Gregory Castle - Antwort
The buttons to release the foil cover are stuck, the cover just falls off unless you lightly hold the buttons down. I haven't seen anyone else have this problem so idk how to fix it.
Joe Mama - Antwort
Plug in for first charge but no flashing light to indicate it is charging. Been charging for 2 hours and still have the same problem.
Shane Newbould - Antwort