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Reparaturanleitungen und Support für das Huawei Honor 4x.

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screen is black but phone is still functional

My phone screen is blacked out but I can hear messages coming in, I can listen to music, etc. The phone is functional. Is it true that getting the parts replaced will cost more than the phone costs?

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If you are to attempt the repair yourself it can be done for fairly cheap. Not sure which country you are located in but sites like eBay have replacement displays for the Honor 4x starting under $20. Here is a link so you can see for yourself. http://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=Honor+...

If you do not wish to attempt the repair yourself you may want to check prices from repair shops to see what their price range is to replace the display on your Honor 4x. That may be a deciding factor on whether to have it fixed or replaced if you do not feel comfortable repairing it yourself.

Here is a link if you wish to attempt the repair yourself. It will guide you through the process of replacing your display. Huawei Honor 4X Display Assembly Replacement

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