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Reparatur- und Zerlegeanleitungen für den Jura Impressa F50 Kaffeevollautomaten

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Jura F50 water blockage

Water is not flowing through the coffee

Update (06/27/20)

Jura F50. Water is not going through the coffee. Hence no cups of fresh coffee. What could be blocking the water flow?

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2 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

Open it and look for the clogging. There are different possibilities: heater calcified, brewing unit, drainage valve, the pump (can you hear it working?)

Jura Capresso IMPRESSA J5 Bild


Jura Capresso IMPRESSA J5 Drainageventil zerlegen



5 - 10 minutes

Jura Impressa C E F Modelle Thermoblock Bild


Jura Thermoblock tauschen



1 hour

Jura Impressa C E F Modelle Bild


Jura Brühgruppe ausbauen



9 - 15 minutes

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I had the same problem. It was basically the gasket in the bottom of the water tank that needed to be replaced after 12 years. I bought a new water tank for 50 EUR and it was solved.

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It's much cheaper just to replace the gasket or the valve of the tank.


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