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Reparaturanleitungen und Informationen zur Demontage des MacBook Pro 16", das im November 2019 auf den Markt kam.

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Both internal and external display not detected.

My Macbook had display problem (used to work with external display) and sent it for repair. They seemed to have tried with a third party screen and done something, now it is not working on both internal and external displays.

Luckily I had anydesk installed beforehand, and still I can use anydesk to connect to the no-display mac. I checked the display preferences, and it shows 23" display instead of the 16" retina display.

Block Image

Even connecting the external display does nothing. I suspect this has some link with the both internal and display not working. I have already gave up hope on internal display, but would like to get it working on external display.

Connecting to external display shows the initial mac startup image like this for halfway and then stops working on external monitor as well, however internally the mac starts-up and works whcih I can verify via anydesk access.

Block Image

I have tried SMC reset, PRAM reset, safe mode, etc. In recovery mode, it works normally in external display until certain point and then gets stuck just like in startup screen.

Could there be any other configuration I can change to fix this issue till I have anydesk access? Could it be some issues on the software os side or hardware side? I would at least make it work in external display.


Diagnostic results

Block Image


Switching to Integrate graphics error: (wondering if it could help with the problem)

Block Image
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Let's see. This is tough. But, I would recommend before trying anything else to run Apple Diagnostics if you already haven't.


And try reinstalling macOS: if you already haven't.

Other than that, I don't know many other ways to test the display. You could also try going to Settings ( > System Preferences > Displays) and while holding the Option (alt) key, choose "Detect Displays". Honestly this has never worked for me, but it's worth a shot.

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I ran the disagnostics and it says fan and display issues (Was able to get this much in an external monitor). I have edited the question to attach the screenshot. I can't really reinstall macOS as it gets stuck at some point (cant see further progress on external monitor) and cant continue. Also I might even lose the little access I had via anydesk.


@bishalheuju - Okay, so this is a hardware issue.

Unfortunately Apple has made repairing hardware very tricky.

I'm not sure how comfortable you are with repairing Macs, but my best guess is that the logic board needs to be replaced. The fact that the fan, display, and external display are not working correctly makes me think the logic board is broken.

But, before going too deep into that, try (if possible) using a different monitor. There's a slim chance that the Mac no longer "wants" to use the monitor you're currently using.

Best of luck!


Had tried with other monitors as well. But didn't work. I suspect it to be something related with configuration because external display works till some part in recovery mode, or diagnostics mode. Could there be any configurations related?


@bishalheuju - I wish I could understand exactly what you mean. I’m afraid I don’t. The only time the displays showed something else than what was connected is when I tried running macOS on an unsupported Mac. But, that deals with kext, and I don’t believe is struggling with kext right now.

By any chance, do you have access to another Mac? Because if you do… you could try using the OpenCore legacy patcher. By using OpenCore, you could create an EFI partition on a separate USB drive. That could prove once an for all if this issue is software related.

OpenCore is quite tricky to use, so I won’t walk you through every step just yet. Simply let me know if you have access to another Mac. Then we’ll go from there…


I have access to this broken display macbook via anydesk. Will that work? Otherwise I have a hackintosh, made using the opencore you mentioned, by using other's efi that they shared.


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Let’s see if we can diagnose this down a bit further. With the external display as well as keyboard and mouse connected, restart your system as soon as you do close the display lid, that will fire off Clam Shell mode. Your system should now be working via the external display. Is this correct? If so the Hall sensor cable or the sensor it’s self has failed. Often times I encounter liquid damage around the sensor.

Review Step 13 in this Teardown des MacBook Pro (16 Zoll, 2019)

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"With the external display as well as keyboard and mouse connected, restart your system as soon as you do close the display lid, that will fire off Clam Shell mode." I can't do this. The external display stops working before that. Even disconnected the internal display to force to external display, but not working.

My suspect is why does the mac shows 23" display instead of default 16" Retina display. Are there are internal level stuffs that I can change?

Thank you!


@bishalheuju - Why can’t you do this simple test? I’m suspecting you are jumping to a conclusion that is faulty here.

Please just give it a try you might be surprised!

As far as the displays setting this doesn’t make sense unless it’s just the wrong display. You can’t alter the display it is what it is.


Sorry and thanks. I did the test you mentioned, however the display didn't work. I was mentioning about the display because, the external display used to work before. Then when I took for repair, the repair shop said they tried a screen but were unsuccessful (don't know what they did). It was after that, that the external display also stopped working. I probably am not able to explain the problem clearly as well as it is a weird problem, and also I do not know what is wrong. You could have probably helped a lot if you had access to the device.

Will this help though? I have gfxcardstatus installed and when trying to swtich to integrated mode it says cant switch and is used by displaypolicyd (screenshot attached in question as edited). Again Thanks!


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The shop you brought it to should be held responsible. It sounds like they may have damaged the logic board; VFD001 in Apple Diagnostics indicates that the internal display is not being recognized. They should return the Mac to you in at least the same condition that you brought it in to them as.

I think the 23" display thing is because of Anydesk, and perhaps it is interferring with displaying an image to an external monitor.

Maybe if you can find a store that does free diagnostics they can tell you what really happened.

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I recently bought a used Macbook not detecting its ssd. Even though the cable between the logic board and ssd looked perfectly good, I bought a replacement cable and installed it. Fixed the problem (turns out this is not an infrequent issue). Everything is so miniaturized and easily damaged...

What I concluded:If you've had your Macbook open and even if everything looks good, it's still possible you have a bad cable or connection. Careful inspection, cleaning, re-seating and swapping out of a cable (if cheap and easy to do ) might be worth the gamble.

One additional thought: Your Macbook's failure to successfully start up is probably not a coincidence. There may be firmware/software issues behind your latest symptoms. Lots to explore there. Good luck!

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