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The Honda Fit, also marketed as the Honda Jazz, is a five-door, front-engine, front-wheel drive B-segment subcompact car manufactured and marketed by Honda since 2001 and now in its third generation. Marketed worldwide and manufactured at ten plants in eight countries, sales reached almost 5 million by mid-2013.

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How to change language to English

How do I change my Honda Fit language from Chinese to English

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It depends on the component. For example, if it is the dash cluster, you need a high-end scanner like my Xtool, which is full-function and can reset the language; even changing it from km to miles is the same for many cars. Others, like the R35 GT-R, require an Autel scanner or dealer tool to do it, unless you have an Xtool or other all-system scanner that has been coded to bypass the security systems on the GT-R ECU. Desoldering the EEPROM is generally less of a pain for DIYers. Radios are generally similar in cars with this problem where a OBD2 tool is needed, but some radios allow for change without it except for some JDM imports from Honda and Toyota.

My scanner (Xtool iP616) can scan the whole car, but cannot do ADAS or reset the Honda clusters at all. You will likely be looking at an Autel scanner to change it.

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